What Do Vets Do When They Spay A Dog? – All You Need To Know

What Do They Do When They Spay a Dog?

 There are some common questions every dog owner would like to educate themself with, particularly about “what do vets do when they spay a dog.” If you are a beginner, you might have some burning questions you want to be answered, ranging from the spaying and neutering procedures and what vets do when they spay a … Read more What Do Vets Do When They Spay A Dog? – All You Need To Know

Do Dogs Think In Barks? – All You Need To Know


Imagine a world without language; it would be chaotic, right? Language is fundamental to all living things. Humans communicate using verbal, written, or body language. These elements, however, do not apply solely to us. How about dogs, specifically? Dogs have their own “bark language” to express themselves. Understanding it is not difficult, especially if you … Read more Do Dogs Think In Barks? – All You Need To Know

My Cat Can’t Meow Just Squeaks – Why? [6 Top Reasons]

my cat can't meow just squeaks – reasons.jpg

Cats, like humans, have distinct personalities. Every cat is distinct from the others, and this is reflected in its behaviors and habits. This is also expressed in their voices. The difference in personalities of cats has reflected the difference between similar voices accordingly. Cats, too, communicate and share information about their surroundings. If you listen … Read more My Cat Can’t Meow Just Squeaks – Why? [6 Top Reasons]

Why Is My Dog Jumpy? – 7 Causes That Might Surprise You

Why is My Dog Jumpy

There are several reasons why jumpiness happens in dogs. Reaction to stimuli is a normal thing in all animals. However, jumpiness occurs only when there is an overwhelming reaction to a stimulus. Fear and anxiety are the main triggers of jumpiness in dogs. When your dog gets jumpy, it is essential to determine the cause … Read more Why Is My Dog Jumpy? – 7 Causes That Might Surprise You

Why My Dog Plays Inside But Not Outside? [Dog’s Behavior Explained]

Why my dog plays inside but not outside

Have you ever asked yourself while playing with your dog, “Why my dog plays inside but not outside?” Or, “Why it doesn’t fetch the ball or respond to my commands the same way once we’re outside?” There can be various reasons for this unusual behavior. Reasons Why A Dog Plays Inside But Not Outside Your … Read more Why My Dog Plays Inside But Not Outside? [Dog’s Behavior Explained]

Do Cats Understand Kisses?

Do cats understand kisses

Cats communicate in different ways than humans do. So, if you wonder whether cats understand kisses, they may not understand what the gesture means. Additionally, they show their affection differently. Nonetheless, some cats may understand that it’s their owner’s way of showing affection after doing it repeatedly. Some cats love kissing, while others don’t. And … Read more Do Cats Understand Kisses?