Do Cats Understand Kisses?

Do cats understand kisses

Cats communicate in different ways than humans do. So, if you wonder whether cats understand kisses, they may not understand what the gesture means. Additionally, they show their affection differently. Nonetheless, some cats may understand that it’s their owner’s way of showing affection after doing it repeatedly. Some cats love kissing, while others don’t. And … Read more Do Cats Understand Kisses?

How Do Cats Go To The Bathroom On A Plane? – All You Need To Know


It is no secret that every cat parent wants to spend more time with its beloved feline baby. Because of that, many cat parents decide to take their cats with them on vacation. As ideal as it may sound, taking a cat out of the country requires meeting several legal requirements. It also requires considering … Read more How Do Cats Go To The Bathroom On A Plane? – All You Need To Know

5 Best Ferret Ear Cleaners – Why Are They So Effective?

Oti Clens Ear Cleansing Solution for Dogs and Cats 4oz

Our beautiful household pets, the ferrets, have a highly developed sense of hearing. Over time, the wax can build up in their ears. It’s usually light brown, orange, or reddish. Ear wax requires regular cleaning. Otherwise, there could be a stench build-up and a breeding ground for ear mites resulting in a deterioration of its … Read more 5 Best Ferret Ear Cleaners – Why Are They So Effective?

Cat Constipation & Pumpkin: Will It Help?

cat constipation pumpkin

Cat constipation and pumpkin are surprisingly a tried-and-tested combination. If you’re wondering: “is pumpkin toxic to cats,” then you can cross it out from all the “toxic human food” your cats are not allowed to consume. Adding pumpkin to a cat’s diet has many health benefits, thanks to the pumpkin’s high nutrient and fiber content. Symptoms … Read more Cat Constipation & Pumpkin: Will It Help?

7 Best Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes (Review) – Why Are They So Convenient?

best litter boxes for cats

Cats are considered some of the cleanest house pets to have, thanks to their natural attention to grooming. However, that doesn’t mean that tidying up after our fuzzy feline friends isn’t still quite a chore. Luckily, there are ways to make sure that your cat’s waste doesn’t get in the way of their health and … Read more 7 Best Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes (Review) – Why Are They So Convenient?