Why Do Ferrets Smell? [All Reasons Explained!]

Reasons Ferrets Smell

Ferrets are domesticated animals, though it’s unclear when this process began. They have been undergoing domestication for the last 2500 years. Previously used for various hunting purposes, ferrets are now mostly kept as pets. However, they can cause your house to stink up faster than a clogged toilet. It is not their fault that it … Read more Why Do Ferrets Smell? [All Reasons Explained!]

Fish Swimming Upside Down After Water Change – Why?

Fish Swimming Upside Down After Water Change

Fish are wondrous, gill-bearing organisms that belong to the aquatic group of animals. With the majority of freshwater and marine life overtaken by fish, they dominate water bodies. Fishes can be your pet too as they are cute, adorable, vibrant, and active creatures that will bring such entertainment in your home. There are fishes that … Read more Fish Swimming Upside Down After Water Change – Why?

Why Do Goats Scream? – Top Reasons Explained

Why Do Goats Scream

Goats have been domesticated as farm animals or livestock for more than 10,000 years. They have been famous to humans as they provided us with meat, milk, skin, and pelts. Domesticating goats has always been a rewarding adventure. Goats are docile, affectionate, and easy to manage. If you own a goat or buck (male), chances … Read more Why Do Goats Scream? – Top Reasons Explained

Duck Mouth Open – Top Reasons Explained

Duck Mouth Open – Why And How to Address it

People love domesticating ducks either as pets or farm animals for commercial poultry purposes. Almost all the present domestic ducks are crossbred and have either of these two common ancestors: Mallard and Muscovy. Many love raising these calm, adorable, and intelligent creatures in their backyard and farms. Though ducks rarely get sick, sometimes you might … Read more Duck Mouth Open – Top Reasons Explained

Why Does My Cat Walk Around Meowing? – 7 Reasons!

Why Does My Cat Walk Around Meowing

Does your cat meow when they see you? Or when they have a toy in their mouth?  Have you ever wondered what’s the meaning of their meows while roaming all the time? Although our little feline friends mostly use body language to convey something, their vocalizations have various interpretations for us.  Meowing is very common … Read more Why Does My Cat Walk Around Meowing? – 7 Reasons!

Why Do Horses Fall After Mating

Why do Horses fall after mating

If you’re a horse breeder or owner, you know it’s crucial to understand their behavior for better control and management. Some of the behaviors that mares in heat show are hyperactivity, restlessness, and frequent urination. A unique behavior that horses exhibit after copulation is falling. If your horse falls after mating, you should not panic … Read more Why Do Horses Fall After Mating

Why Are Female Dogs More Popular? [10 Reasons]

Why female dogs are more popular

Your dog’s personality largely depends on training and the surrounding environment. Hence, it is essential how you nurture and raise your dog. Your love and care are important factors in their personality development. Even more than their biological factors. Still, some reasons make female dogs more popular among dog lovers. Differences between male and female … Read more Why Are Female Dogs More Popular? [10 Reasons]