I Adopted a Dog and Now I Regret It – Guide

Adopting a dog is an exciting experience for many owners, but some already tell themselves, “I adopted a dog, and now I regret it.”

You may start feeling sad or guilty after adopting a new furry friend.

There are some reasons why people adopt pets.

Some people want a companion animal, while others wish to have a pet because they love animals.

I adopted a dog, and now I regret it

Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone if you’ve adopted a pet and you’re starting to regret it

The crucial thing we need to understand before discussing how to handle dog adoption regret is what causes them.

Are You Feeling the Post-Adoption Depression?

You are going through post-adoption depression if you feel overwhelmed by the changes a new dog brings into your daily routines.

Aside from feeling remorse, you may even lose interest in caring for your new dog.

This could even evolve into anger, where you will begin to harbor hatred for your dog for being what it is.

Indeed, it is a roller coaster ride when caring for another living being aside from oneself.

But before throwing everything out of the window, take time to read this blog post as we share with you the probable causes of why you begin to regret adopting a dog and what you can do about it.

Here are the Possible Causes Why You Begin To Regret After Adopting A Dog

1. The Dog Is Not a Good Fit for Your Family

Suppose you adopted your dog thinking it would be perfect for your lifestyle.

However, you now realize that adopting a dog isn’t compatible with your household or personality.

In that case, this could be considered as an adoption regret.

If you feel you’ve been misled by someone else about what kind of pet would work best for you, you may need to consider returning the dog to the shelter.

2. The Dog Wasn’t Ready for Adoption

Some pets are taken from shelters before they have time to adjust to their new surroundings.

These dogs often become stressed during transport and sometimes show aggression toward others.

Some of these dogs also suffer separation anxiety once they arrive at their forever homes.

3. The Dog Has Issues with People or Animals

Dogs who have issues with humans or other animals will likely experience problems adjusting to their new environment.

Even if you loved having a dog around, you’d probably wish you hadn’t gotten one if it has trouble getting along with other creatures.

Even if your dog never causes any harm to anyone, it still needs training so that it knows how to behave appropriately.

Otherwise, your dog will continue to misbehave and cause problems for itself and those around it.

4. You Aren’t Ready for Such Responsibility Yet

Owning a dog means being responsible for its well-being.

So, when you finally commit to adopting a dog, you must know precisely what you’re doing.

It’s normal to feel upset if you decide against keeping your dog.

After all, you spent money and effort getting your dog ready for a forever home.

If you’re struggling with dog adoption regret, you still have options.

Here Is What To Do If You Have Dog Adoption Regret

1. Talk about Your Feelings with Someone Who Cares for You

It might be hard to talk about how you’re feeling because of embarrassment or fear that they won’t understand your decision against adopting your dog.

Talking about these emotions will help you work through any issues.

You don’t need to share everything with everyone else.

Yet, you can confide in one person who has been supportive throughout this process.

It could be a  family member, friend, counselor, or support group.

2. Don’t Compare Your Current Situation to What Has Been Before

You should not expect your life to return to precisely how it was before you adopted your new canine pal.

Your circumstances have changed, and adapting to those changes should not cause stress.

Instead, focus on enjoying every aspect of your new relationship.

3. Be Grateful

Adoptive parents tend to take on far more than they bargained for.

They usually end up caring for two animals instead of one.

So, try to appreciate the fact that you have a healthy, well-cared-for puppy/dog.

4. Focus on the Future

When you think about the future, imagine yourself living happily ever after with your new dog.

Think about all the fun times you’ll have together.

It might sound cheesy but visualize yourself walking hand-in-hand with your pooch.

This will chase away the feeling of regretting adopting your dog.

5. Look into Adoption Again

Maybe you didn’t realize when you first got involved with an organization that there would come a point where you’d no longer be able to care for your new pet.

Or maybe you couldn’t afford to pay for the veterinary bills anymore.

Either way, reconsider if you regret adopting your dog because many other dogs wait patiently for homes.

6. Talk to Someone

If you regret adopting your dog, talking to people relieves tension and anxiety.

If you feel like talking to others, find some kind soul willing to listen.

A trusted friend, relative, or professional therapist can offer advice and guidance.

7. Acceptance

Acceptance means letting go of negative thoughts and feelings.

You may still experience moments of grief, but don’t dwell on these emotions.

Letting go of such negativity will help you move on.

8. Take Control

If you’ve decided to give up adopting your dog because you can’t handle having two pets, then make sure you know what you want next.

Do you plan to get back into fostering or volunteer work?

Perhaps you need to look into finding a job as a vet technician or animal behaviorist.

Whatever path you choose, remember that life doesn’t always follow a straight line.

9. Don’t Forget to Love Yourself

You deserve to live a happy life.

Adopting a dog isn’t easy, so why not treat yourself right by doing things that bring joy to your heart?

For example, spend quality time with your furry companion, play fetch with your dog, cuddle, and enjoy your dog’s company.

10.  Be Patient

Adoption takes patience.

It might take months before you finally have the perfect match.

So, try to control your feeling of regret after adopting a dog.

Give yourself enough time to think about all aspects of the process.

What if I adopted a dog, and now I regret it

11. Find Comfort in Knowing that You did the Best Thing Possible

No one knows you better, whether you made the correct choice when deciding to adopt a dog.

The only person who understands how you feel is you.

12. Give up on Having a Dog Altogether

It isn’t something anyone loves to hear, but sometimes it’s necessary.

13. Try Again Later

Perhaps you didn’t realize how much work was involved until you had already invested too much time and energy in adopting a dog.

In this case, you’d be better off waiting until you’re prepared to commit to owning a dog.

14. Donate Your Dog to a Rescue Organization Instead

If you decide against keeping your dog, many rescues will accept donations of unwanted dogs.

They often provide training programs and spay/neuter services to help reduce the number of homeless pets in shelters.

15. Accept Your Decision

Most of the time, we get caught up in our thoughts and forget that other people see us differently than we see ourselves.

When you start questioning your decision to adopt a dog, remind yourself that you chose to bring another person into your home.

You must also remember that every choice has consequences, including not adopting a pet.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

16. Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is vital during any significant change in your life.

But when you regret that you’ve adopted a dog, you must give yourself space to move on.

I Adopted a Dog And Now I Regret It – Final Thoughts

Dogs help us live healthier lifestyles.

Research shows that dogs reduce our risks of heart disease, diabetes, depression, obesity, and stroke.

But it’s very normal to have regrets about adopting a dog, and you shouldn’t allow it to give you stress mentally and emotionally.

The best thing to do is decide if you still want to keep it or donate it to a shelter to find a forever family.

Whatever you decide, it should be the best for you and your pooch.