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There are a million reasons to love cats- their adorable purrs, cuddles, and the moving company they keep are a few reasons people love cats.
On the contrary, Felines may seem to be malicious when they begin to bite their owner’s faces without being provoked.
A cat owner may find this disturbing.
Why does my cat decide to bite my face while purring? Are cats vicious and aggressive animals? Is it possible that my cat is trying to harm me? Those are likely questions that run through the mind of a cat owner found in this situation.
It is possible to be agitated by this unruly behavior your cat exhibits.
Notwithstanding, hesitate from jumping to conclusions. There are many reasons your cat bites your face without being provoked.
7 Facts About Cats Biting Your Face
Before deciding whether to be worried, analyze the reasons for your cat’s behavior.
The main question is; how bad is the bite? Is it an aggressive bite or a cat love bite?
These 7 facts about cat bites will enlighten you on why they bite their owner’s face.
1. Cats Bite Out Of Affection
Felines are affectionate animals, and they love to show that emotion to their owners – felines, when fond of their owners, love to lick their faces.
Ragdoll, Bombay, Persian, Ragamuffin, Siamese, and Birman are the most affectionate cat breeds.
These breed cat owners should not be surprised when the cat gnaws at their faces.
In addition, queens tend to be more affectionate than tomcats.
Your queen nibbling on your face gently is part of its subtle way of being mushy and affectionate.
You can call this a cat love bite. Felines usually purr a lot when they do this.
2. It Is A Part Of A Playful Process
A common behavioral trait in felines is playing aggression.
Cats love to play with their owners. Kittens play more roughly than adults.
Cuddling, chasing, purring, pouncing, and face licking is part of a playful process for them.
Sometimes, kittens may bite the face gently. It is natural and harmless for felines to act this way, especially to their kind.
On the contrary, many cat parents hate their cats biting their faces. Your tomcat, queen, or kitten can correct this habitual trait if you hate it.
3. Cats Bite To Show Dominance
Felines have a social hierarchy, with the Alpha ranking first.
Alpha cats love to exercise dominance wherever they find themselves, even alone.
Furthermore, cats show their dominance by staring directly into people’s faces.
They may feel threatened if you stare back without blinking.
For an overtly domineering owner, your Alpha cat may decide to retaliate and exert his dominance by coming at your face.
He may start to growl or hiss before biting. It does not necessarily mean he is trying to be aggressive.
He is trying to tell you that he can be the boss too.
If your cat is acting this way, you must show him who the real boss is. It is easier to tame kittens than adult cats.
Tomcats that like to prove they are on the top of the hierarchy need discipline.
However, abstain from any disciplinary measures that could harm your cat.
4. They Bite To Rub Their Scent On You
Felines have a strong sense of smell.
They can smell food on you even though you cleaned up after having your meal.
It may seem your kitten is biting your face when he is nibbling the remnant food bits on your face.
Also, felines like to spread their scents to the people they love.
They have scent glands in their bodies, including their mouth.
Your cat biting your face could be an act of sharing its scent while being cuddled.
5. It Could Be Out Of Aggression
Aggression is one of the many reasons a feline may bite the owner’s face.
This aggression is triggered by something the parent is doing wrong.
For example, felines love when petted, but sometimes it becomes discomforting for them.
It is easy to think your tomcat is having an excellent time being rubbed and scratched when, in fact, he dislikes it.
If you are holding your cat close to your face, that will likely be the next body part it will bite.
Besides, there will be warning signs of aggression.
Some of the signs an aggressive cat exhibits are:
- Hissing
- Growling
- Scratching
- Flicking of tails
- Pulled down ears
If you are petting your cat and your cat begins to show any of these signs, you need to stop what you are doing.
Unneutered cats tend to be more aggressive than neutered cats. A Male cat naturally tends to be more aggressive than the queen.
Usually, a kitten separated from the mother tends to be more aggressive than a mothered kitten.
Such kitten misses out on the socialization process for cats.
Play aggression is a trait he picks up as a result of playing roughly with humans.
6. To Get Your Attention
Felines are generally attention seekers. On the other hand, kittens separated from their littermate or mother at an early stage may take on more attention-seeking behavior.
The need for your undivided attention is one reason your tomcat may come for your face.
Abandoning your tomcat for a long time could propel him to be aggressive in getting your attention.
Other reasons he may want your attention include the following:
- To get fed
- To wake you up. If you are asleep and your cat comes at your face, it is trying to wake you up.
- You have food on your face. Your cat may try to lick off and nibble on your face if you have extra food you unknowingly left on your face.
7. Cats Bite The Face When They Want To Go Outside And Play
Your kitten may be trying to tell you that it is tired of cuddling and wants to go out to play. What you can do at this point is let it out.
How To Stop Your Cat From Biting Your Face
1. Keep Your Cat Away From Your Face
The first thing you might want to consider doing is to keep your cat away from your face. It may be challenging to stop play aggressive behavior from a boisterous cat easily.
While trying to figure out how to stop this habit, maintain a distance between your cat and your face.
Although this solution is temporary, it is the best action to take to prevent your cat from doing further harm to your face.
2. Spend Quality Time With Your Cat
When you spend enough time with your tomcat, he will not need to bite your face to ask for your attention.
Time spent with felines should involve play activities.
Consider talking to your cat. Felines are known to be vocal animals, so you should also listen.
Their purrs are the cutest sounds ever. Moreover, hearing your cat purr is a sign that you are doing the right thing.
Cuddle your cat and run your fingers through its furs.
Make it a special treat for special occasions.
Avoid falling asleep while playing with your cat if you don’t want it to come at your face while sleeping.
3. Discourage Aggressive Behavior: Communicate With Your Cat
Now that you know that play aggression is a common and natural trait in cats, it will be easier to help manage such characteristics in your cat.
The most effective way to stop your cat from biting your face is to discourage that behavior.
You can do this by maintaining a firm “no” when he attempts to introduce teeth to your face.
Typically, kittens are easier to tame, while adult cats are challenging to control.
How can you discourage your cat from biting you?
- When your cat bites, you make facial expressions that show that you do not encourage such traits.
- Always reward good behavior. Withdraw benefits the cat enjoys whenever it bites your face. That way, you are passing the message that you do not approve of such traits.
- If your cat’s aggressive behavior is to seek your attention, you can correct that trait by giving your cat undivided attention when he is calm and obedient.
4. Give Them Toys To Play With
Get your kitty toys to play with to ease his boredom. That would keep him busy and consume the excess energy he has.
Besides, his teeth will be on the toy instead of your face.
Consider getting its toys like balls, toys with feathers attached, interactive toys that can help, e.t.c. Avoid getting plastic toys for your cat because it may begin to masticate them.
Consuming plastic and elastic is not healthy for felines. It may require surgery to remove them.
Are Cat Face Bites Dangerous?
Cat bites may not seem like a big deal, and they can be cute when they’re playing, but some cat bites can pose significant health risks.
Cats carry many pathogens and bacteria in their mouths capable of causing infections in bite wounds.
Cats that aren’t usually vaccinated can carry several diseases in their mouths that are transferred to wounds when they bite.
Infected cat bites are not only painful but also red and swollen, with pus.
Should I take Immediate Action If A Cat Bites My Face?
If your cat is not vaccinated, the wound should immediately be washed under running water and examined by a doctor.
Most cat bites are wounds with small punctures that drive the harmful bacteria from a cat’s mouth into the skin.
A severe infection can develop in the wound within twenty-four to forty-eight hours if left untreated. You should see a physician as soon as possible.
Exercise Patience With Your Cat
Cats are not as receptive as dogs. To attain the right changes in your cat, you must be patient with him.
That is why you need to pinpoint the problem with your cat so you can know the appropriate measure to take to correct the behavior.
A cat that merely wants to play should not be punished and treated as aggressive or wayward.

Purrfect n’ Pawesome is the brainchild of Amanda, who has been into researching and writing about pets to help other pet parents in nurturing their adorable pets. Currently, she runs Purrfect n’ Pawesome along with her team of experienced and dedicated pet experts. Along with being an awesome writer and entrepreneur, Amanda is a cat mom to two innocently spoiled cats, Balanca and Scruffy.
She has been writing about pet care and nurturing and wants to share her readers’ experiences, learnings, and knowledge.
Over the years, she had the opportunity to work with various pet owners having multiple breeds, and that exposure gave her experience and the lessons of a lifetime.
Her family, her entire universe revolves around her two cats, who give her endless support and inspiration to move ahead with her objectives in life. Amanda is a live example of a balanced approach to all parenthood questions we all face in life.