How To Get A Puppy Used To A Leash

Getting a Puppy Used to a Leash

A puppy walk should be a pleasant experience, but how do you get a puppy used to a leash? Besides allowing your puppy to exercise and experience a new environment, puppy walks also strengthen your bond. With reduced pulling and tugging, leashes help make puppy walks safe and comfortable. For your puppy to walk correctly … Read more How To Get A Puppy Used To A Leash

Why Do Monkeys Throw Poop – Explained

Why Do Monkeys Throw Poop Reasons

It is not common for animals in the wild to throw their feces. It is the trait for monkeys, particularly chimpanzees, kept in captivity. There is a psychological explanation as to why monkeys throw poop when kept in captivity. It involves their excellent nonverbal communication skills, aggressive nature, intelligence, and frustration, which build up in … Read more Why Do Monkeys Throw Poop – Explained

Why Dogs Sleep On Their Back With Feet In The Air?

Why Do Dogs Sleep on Their Back with Feet in The Air

Dogs tend to sleep for long periods. A dog may even sleep for up to 12 to 14 hours. While doing so, they may adopt different sleeping positions. The sleep positions of dogs indicate their personality and their relationship with you. One common sleep position among dogs is lying down on their back with their … Read more Why Dogs Sleep On Their Back With Feet In The Air?

Do Cats Purr When They Are In Pain?

Do cats purr when they are in pain

Kittens start to purr when they are just a few days old in the world of felines. Is purring a form of communication? Do cats purr when they are in pain? People have always assumed that cats purr when they are in 7th heaven, but that’s certainly not always the case. Cats are all different, … Read more Do Cats Purr When They Are In Pain?

Cat Not Eating After Moving – Top Causes

Cat won't eat after moving causes

Is your cat not eating after moving to a new home? Moving to a new environment can be stressful enough, especially when dealing with an upset cat who refuses to eat. There are several reasons why your cat might refuse to eat. Here are some of the most common ones. 12 Reasons Why Your Cat … Read more Cat Not Eating After Moving – Top Causes

Why Does My Cat Hug My Arm And Bite Me?

Why does my cat hug my arm and bite me

Have you ever asked, “Why does my cat hug my arm and bite me?” The sudden cat bites on their hands or fingers while hugging them are familiar to most cat owners. Cats might seem to be enjoying being petted by bursting a purr. However, they can hug the owners’ arms and unexpectedly bite down … Read more Why Does My Cat Hug My Arm And Bite Me?

Why Do Animals Like Being Pet? – Full Explanation

Why do animals like being pet

Our beloved pets are very fond of expressing themselves through body language; these animals also like it when we pet them. It is no secret that they love to be caressed on the back and sometimes other body parts. The animals’ facial expressions and body movements indicate the joy of being petted. In addition, these … Read more Why Do Animals Like Being Pet? – Full Explanation

Reasons Why Dogs Lick Each Other’s Teeth

Reasons dogs lick each other's teeth

It may seem like a weird habit for new dog owners, constantly seeing your dogs lick each other’s teeth or licking other dogs’ teeth when they are out. For some new pet owners, this is enough to have them driving to the vet to ask if their dogs are completely normal and okay. Just like … Read more Reasons Why Dogs Lick Each Other’s Teeth

Cat Keeps Peeing In Same Spot – Behavior Explained

Cat Keeps Peeing in Same Spot

Do you ever find yourself cleaning up after your cat only to discover that he has peed in the same place? If so, then you might want to read this blog post. Cats are very independent creatures. They don’t always listen to their owners. It means that if you leave them alone for too long, … Read more Cat Keeps Peeing In Same Spot – Behavior Explained

Why Does My Dog Squint At Me? – Explanation

Why does my dog squint at me

Dogs generally love to use their eyes to communicate; when your dog squints at you, you may wonder why. This gesture is usually a way for the dog to express gratitude, apologize, or even be a technique in begging. It applies to two different situations. First, when your dog squints at you and stays/comes close … Read more Why Does My Dog Squint At Me? – Explanation

Why Does My Dog Shake When I Pet Him?

Why does my dog shake when I pet him

Dogs are generally sweet creatures and you might wonder why your dog shakes every time you pet it. Sometimes, understanding their behavior can be extremely difficult that’s why it is essential to learn about them. Because when you do not understand your dog, you may misinterpret their actions and overreact when you shouldn’t. You might … Read more Why Does My Dog Shake When I Pet Him?