Why Squirrels Make So Much Noise? Now We Know!

Why Squirrels Make So Much Noise

Squirrels are generally referred to as troublesome, and this is not only because they raid attics and damage electrical cables. They also cause trouble by grating on our nerves with their penetrating noises. The sounds they make are numerous, and in squirrel-infested areas, it may lead to sleepless nights. This article will explore the type … Read more Why Squirrels Make So Much Noise? Now We Know!

Why Does My Bird Turn Their Back To Me?

Why Does My Bird Turn Their Back to Me

Owning a pet bird can sometimes be confusing as the birds cannot vocalize their emotions completely and communicate with their bodies. Experienced owners and professionals have been able to understand bird body language, but most owners fail to translate them correctly. One particular body language that baffles most people is when the bird turns their … Read more Why Does My Bird Turn Their Back To Me?

Dog Straining To Poop But Not Constipated – Reasons

Dog straining to poop but not constipated

There can be many reasons preventing your dog from taking a dump other than constipation. It is crucial to discern the major reasons causing this problem so that you may take proper care of your dog and seek appropriate help in case of an emergency. In typical cases, a dog poops 1-2 times per day. … Read more Dog Straining To Poop But Not Constipated – Reasons

Chicken Feather Loss With Red Skin – 6 Causes

Chicken Feather Loss with Red Skin

Feathers serve as protection from cold, heat, or injury for chickens. So, keepers need to do their best in maintaining the broadness and firmness of their chickens’ feathers. But what if one morning you discover that your chicken starts to lose its feathers? Though this could be part of their development, severe health problem is … Read more Chicken Feather Loss With Red Skin – 6 Causes

Duck Body Language – Guide

Duck Body Language Meaning

Ducks are charming little feather beings that have high intelligence and very compound social relationships. Each of them owns an explicit personality that makes them interesting, and keeping them is worth rewarding. Having the capability to interpret their behavior allows us to comprehend more why they do certain things, especially if you plan to raise … Read more Duck Body Language – Guide

Fish Keep Dying But Water Is Fine – Why?

Fish Keep Dying But Water is Fine

You have done everything in your knowledge and power to keep your fish safe and healthy. You have researched fish species before purchasing, regularly cycle the tank, perform regular water changes, manage light in and around your aquarium, and so on. But even after so many preparations and measurements, you still found that your aquarium … Read more Fish Keep Dying But Water Is Fine – Why?