Is Your Cat Leaving Tiny Blood Spots? Here’s Why

Cats tend to be known as solitary, aloof pets. Yet many cat lovers will beg to differ.

They claim their feline friends make awesome pets.

Nonetheless, you won’t easily know when your furry friend is sick as they are creatures who hide their illnesses.

Why is My Cat Leaving Tiny Blood Spots

Why is my cat leaving tiny blood spots then, and why has he become quiet and withdrawn?

Where are the blood spots coming from? Are the blood spots serious enough to seek veterinary intervention?

In the wild, cats know too well that they become targets for larger predators if they show signs of illness.

Today, domesticated cats instinctively hide signs of illness and pain.

Why Is My Cat Leaving Tiny Blood Spots?

It Could Just Be A Small Cut

You want to find the source of the blood when you examine your cat. Thankfully, it’s only a few small spots.

But still, you need to know where it comes from.

Cuts and minor wounds can come from knocking into any sharpish objects indoors as well as outdoors.

If you are concerned, you can always take your cat to the vet.

It may just be a myth, but remember, your cat has nine lives.

Cats are predators and adventurous ones at that. 

His predatory instincts will take him into all sorts of places.

He’ll get into trouble somewhere and get scratched, cut, and injured.

However, if you find the cut is just small, you could apply pressure to the wound.

Hold it like that for 5 minutes or even a bit longer.

If the cut is bigger than you thought, you can clean it with an antiseptic solution bought from the chemist.

Paws Get Lacerated On Ap-paw-ratus

Why is my cat leaving tiny blood spots? We’ve all witnessed our cats leaping and pouncing and still managing to land on their paws.

They like to leap up into trees and onto high perches and look down on their human family.

But they’re not always sure about what they’re landing on.

There could be thorns, glass, twigs, or some sharpness that can damage their soft paws. 

A cat’s back legs are strong and muscular, and it’s why he can leap onto high perches.

However, those soft paw pads can sometimes become lacerated or burned.

You find your kitty kat wanting to lick on the affected paw.

Thankfully it’s just small spots of blood coming from the paw. 

Your cat is aware of the pain, and his paw isn’t responding to him the way it should.

When he puts weight on the paw, he feels it.

It Could Be A Mouth Injury

Of course, your adventurous pet may be bleeding from the mouth due to an injury.

A captured bird might even have given him a nasty peck.

If you notice bleeding from the mouth, you will have to try and pry your pet’s mouth open.

You need to see if there isn’t a bone or stick lodged in his mouth.

Bleeding from the mouth doesn’t signify a medical emergency with your cat.

However, it could indicate a dental abscess, gum disease, or a damaged tooth.

Why is my cat leaving tiny blood spots is a question that nearly always gets a positive answer.

Most times, it’s just a condition needing treatment without veterinary intervention.

Because of feline stomatitis, it’s a good idea to have your cat examined by a veterinarian.

It is a painful inflammation of a cat’s mouth and gums. Dental disease can cause this feline stomatitis.

It Could Be Her Estrus Cycle

Cats can have an estrus cycle at the start of the cat’s puberty.

It starts roughly around the age of 4, 5, or 6 months of age. The cycle can last from 7 to 10 days.

True, cats don’t actually bleed when they’re in heat.

However, apart from her making all kinds of weird kitty noises, you may notice some slight bleeding.

The heat cycle isn’t an easy time for cats. A surge of hormones turns her into another kind of creature you may not like.

If you don’t want her to have kittens, have her spayed.

It will be worth it, and it comes with heaps of health benefits.

Without spaying, your cat will be susceptible to a few cancers.

Have her checked out by the vet if you notice blood in her urine or even around the genital area. It could be a urinary tract infection.

If you notice bleeding in your cat during heat, you should have her seen by your vet.

Her blood-like discharge can be linked to some health conditions.

Unbeknown to you, your cat may quite possibly have been pregnant.

The bleeding could be a sign of a miscarriage. If the cat is bleeding from the vulva, it could have a health issue.

Tumors, uterine infections, or cystitis can all be reasons why your cat is leaving tiny blood spots.

Cystitis, for instance, is an inflammation of the bladder.

The vet should examine her because kidney or urinary tract infections could be the cause.

Reasons why cats leave tiny blood spots

Hematoma Of The Ear

A hematoma is clotted blood within the ear flap.

When something irritates the ear canal, your cat will want to scratch his ear or shake his head.

Your cat will frequently scratch or shake his or her head due to ear mites or an infection in the ear canal.

It can cause one or even more of the blood vessels to break and results in bleeding, then hematomas may develop.

The hematoma should be treated as soon as possible.

Left untreated, this bulge or swelling in the ear can cause some ear disfigurement.

Sometimes an ear hematoma treatment includes surgery.

Yes, drainage can be a temporary solution, but the hematoma will often return.

Nose Bleeds

Your kitty cat has such a cute little nose it can be upsetting when he has a nosebleed.

The majority of acute or unexpected nosebleeds are caused by simple trauma or upper respiratory tract infections.

Epistaxis in cats can have other more serious causes as well, which call for urgent medical attention since it is more intense bleeding than just tiny blood spots.

Trauma causes a  sudden nosebleed but it can also be due to an upper respiratory tract infection.

Most times, a nosebleed is no cause for concern.

They are commonly caused by sinus or some other injury to the nose or head.

A once-off nosebleed isn’t a cause for alarm.

If your furry friend is experiencing frequent nosebleeds and they don’t stop, instead get him to the vet.

Cats do occasionally sneeze too, but what if he sneezed tiny spots of blood all over your bedspread? 

There are many causes for a bloody nose in your feline friend.

Just like us humans, the nose of a cat is lined with tiny blood vessels.

One of these breaks can cause a cat to want to sneeze and spray blood.

But as mentioned, the most common cause of cats sneezing blood is an upper respiratory infection.


Why is my cat leaving tiny blood spots?

Knowledge is power, and the more you know about your cat, the easier it is to help him.

Most times, tiny blood spots don’t have to put you in panic mode.

Some blood spots, however, may be a warning symptom of something more serious.

Veterinarians can advise us regarding our pets since they have professional training.

As a cat owner, it is essential to understand when you can treat your cat’s ailment or when you need to seek veterinary help.