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Bonding is one of the most challenging parts of cat ownership.
If you’re getting a cat for the first time as a pet, you may assume it despises you or isn’t loving.
Cats, unlike dogs, take their time bonding with people.
As a result, many people believe that cats are not affectionate like dogs.
It may take some time for a cat to bond with you and show affection.
If your cat was timid or aloof and now begins to show love and lay on you, this might mean a variety of reasons.
Here are some things that may be happening to your feline friend to take the guesswork out of it.
1. A Sign Of Love
When your cat starts laying on you all of a sudden, it shows that it has developed some affection.
Cats take time to bond with and accept people, which is unusual yet common for them.
Aside from laying on you, the cat may also show affection by purring and head-butting your face.
Your cat may finally love you and want to deepen your relationship if you notice these changes in behavior.
You should reciprocate the affection by cuddling and even patting it. This will help her to relax and possibly sleep.
2. A Sign Of Trust
Unlike dogs, cats take a long period to trust you. Some may take six months, while others may need more than eight months.
If your cat wasn’t fond of you but has changed her attitude, this is a sign that she trusts you.
Cats frequently experience trust and anxiety issues. As a result, when you take them in, it may take some time for them to trust you.
If your timid cat has started sleeping on your lap, it means the cat trusts you and feels safe around you.
You can now relax and bond with your furry friend after a long day at work.
3. Illness
Cats may curl up on your lap out of fondness and trust, but they may also do so when they’re ill.
If the cat is resting on you and appears to be playing, this might be a sign of affection.
However, if it lays on you calmly and has a sad expression, something is wrong.
If the cat sits on your lap and exhibits additional symptoms such as restlessness, change in appetite, lethargy, and frequent vomiting, it may be unwell.
All of these are warning signs that you should see a veterinarian immediately.
4. Emotional Distress
Like humans, cats experience stress and anxiety.
Stress, on the other hand, can cause additional health conditions in cats, such as sickness.
Cats can not cope well with stress, fear, or anxiety.
If you observe a change in your cat’s behavior, it might be a sign that your cat is going through a rough time.
For instance, if your cat suddenly starts resting on your lap, feels depressed, avoids, or helps herself outside the litter box, this might be an indication of emotional distress.
This frequently happens when you bring a new pet into the house, go to the veterinarian, move, change your routine, or bring in a new family member.
All of these factors have an effect on the cat, and it may feel vulnerable as a result.
If this occurs, you should help in comforting the cat rather than chasing it away.
This might continue for a while, and the cat may form a lasting bond with you as a result of the circumstances.
5. They Are Looking For Warmth And Comfort
When a cat lays on your lap, it may be cold and yearning for warmth.
A cat’s normal body temperature is 102 degrees Fahrenheit, which is far higher than ours, which is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
Furthermore, cats are less sensitive to heat than humans.
This is because they feel pain from temperatures over 126 degrees Fahrenheit, but humans feel pain from temperatures above 112 degrees Fahrenheit.
That’s why cats love warm areas in the house, and your warm natural body is an excellent source of warmth.
If you’re a cat lover, then you understand why cats love to catch the first rays of sunshine in the morning.
Hence, if the sun sets and it has nowhere to go for warmth and comfort, it may come to your lap for warmth and comfort.
This is also why cats enjoy sleeping next to humans.
So, as the weather gets cold outside, your cat may start to lay on you suddenly so that it can feel warm and comfortable.
6. Marking Their Territory
If you have brought in a new kitten, your cat may start laying on you to mark its territory.
This is normal for cats.
The cat will urinate on you to deter other cats from coming close to you.
Additionally, this shows that the cat is stressed and anxious about the new member of the family.
Thus, you should not be surprised by your feline friend’s new behavior as it’s common.
7. Looking For Security
Who doesn’t need security?
Even cats do when they want to have peace or feel fearful and stressed.
Therefore, your cat may suddenly lay on you because it wants a secure place, which is you.
Furthermore, this indicates that your pet trusts you and can sleep peacefully.
Slowly cuddle and stroke her till she falls asleep.
Cats, after all, sleep at least 15 hours every day.
You should not be worried if your cat suddenly lays on you.
You should, however, pay close attention to why this is happening.
The cat may be sick, wish to bond, seek warmth and comfort, be in emotional distress, mark territory, show affection, or need security.
The sooner you learn about the behavioral change, the better.
If you’re not sure what’s causing your cat’s behavior change, you should consult a veterinarian or an animal specialist.
Best wishes as you take good care of your furry friend!

Purrfect n’ Pawesome is the brainchild of Amanda, who has been into researching and writing about pets to help other pet parents in nurturing their adorable pets. Currently, she runs Purrfect n’ Pawesome along with her team of experienced and dedicated pet experts. Along with being an awesome writer and entrepreneur, Amanda is a cat mom to two innocently spoiled cats, Balanca and Scruffy.
She has been writing about pet care and nurturing and wants to share her readers’ experiences, learnings, and knowledge.
Over the years, she had the opportunity to work with various pet owners having multiple breeds, and that exposure gave her experience and the lessons of a lifetime.
Her family, her entire universe revolves around her two cats, who give her endless support and inspiration to move ahead with her objectives in life. Amanda is a live example of a balanced approach to all parenthood questions we all face in life.