Dog Acts Like Something Is Stuck In Its Mouth – Causes

Dog acts like something stuck in mouth

If your dog acts like something is stuck in its mouth, most likely, there is. Occasionally dogs bend over and use their paws in a way that looks like the dog wants to remove something stuck in their mouth. How To Tell if Something Is Stuck in Your Dog’s Mouth It’s easy to notice when … Read more Dog Acts Like Something Is Stuck In Its Mouth – Causes

What Happens if a Dog Licks Lidocaine?

What Happens If A Dog Licks Lidocaine

Imagine a topical medicine with Lidocaine (one of the main ingredients) lying around, and your dog is nearby. You left it open, and your pet started sniffing it! Out of curiosity, your dog may lick the medicine. It may sound okay, but it’s not an ideal scenario for your dog. Your vet can guide you … Read more What Happens if a Dog Licks Lidocaine?

My Dog Ate Oxygen Absorber – What Now?

My dog ate oxygen absorber what now

Iron poisoning is common in dogs. One of the ways a dog gets poisoned is through the consumption of oxygen absorbers. Oxygen absorbers are small packets of iron granules found in dehydrated or pre-prepared foods. These packaged foods include beef jerky, pepperoni, and dried fruits. Oxygen absorbers prevent dried foods from turning rancid or oxidizing. … Read more My Dog Ate Oxygen Absorber – What Now?

Dog Suddenly Having Trouble Standing And Walking – Why?

Dog Is Suddenly Having Trouble Standing and Walking

Dogs are energetic creatures. Of course, some dogs are more active than others, but all dogs need some kind of exercise and movement. It’s for this reason that seeing our dog struggle to rise after laying down might be alarming. This concern will be amplified if the instability remains as they walk. After sitting for … Read more Dog Suddenly Having Trouble Standing And Walking – Why?

Dog Just Standing And Not Moving – Possible Causes

Dogs standing and not moving causes

Dogs are amazing creatures. They love their owners unconditionally and are always there for them. However, sometimes dogs get sick and become unable to move. If you notice your dog standing and not moving, you should immediately call your vet. In case your pet has been injured, he needs immediate medical attention. Otherwise, here are … Read more Dog Just Standing And Not Moving – Possible Causes

My Pregnant Dog’s Stomach Is Really Hard – Why?

My pregnant dog's stomach is really hard – why

Pregnancy is an exciting time for both humans and animals alike. While human pregnancy lasts 9 months, dogs only have to endure around six weeks of it. During this time, their bodies undergo major physical changes that require adjustments to their diet. While there are many benefits to being pregnant, there are also some downsides. … Read more My Pregnant Dog’s Stomach Is Really Hard – Why?

Pink Bump On Dog’s Eyelid – Causes And Treatment

Pink bump on dog’s eyelid

An unknown scary-looking bump on a dog’s eyelid can be frightening to a dog owner, especially when it seems to emerge overnight. However, 80% of bumps on dogs’ eyelids are noncancerous. It means they can easily be treated without intensive surgery.­­ Nevertheless, bumps on a dog’s eyelid do present some concern, and they should be … Read more Pink Bump On Dog’s Eyelid – Causes And Treatment

Dog Yelps When Touched On Lower Back? We Know Why

Dog yelps when touched on lower back

Dogs love to be touched almost everywhere on their body, not just on the lower back. They love those little massages and those little gentle strokes we give to them from time to time. It is because it makes dogs feel loved, and they get to pick up our energy from the kind of touch … Read more Dog Yelps When Touched On Lower Back? We Know Why

Dog Sleeping In A Crate At Night – Is It A Good Idea?

Dogs sleeping in a crate at night, is this a good idea

As a dog owner, you may ponder where the best place for your pup to sleep is. You must have read articles and watched videos on where the best place is but one stood out, which is the crate. You need to be sure if the crate is the best place or if it’s a … Read more Dog Sleeping In A Crate At Night – Is It A Good Idea?

Dog Keeps Rubbing Eye With Paw – Causes

Dog keeps rubbing eye with paw

Dog owners are familiar with their behavior when their dog keeps rubbing its eye with a paw. When dogs rub their eyes with their paws for the first couple of times, it looks like a picture-taking moment. Dogs are fond of rubbing their eyes with their paws, but it can be a problem if done repeatedly. There is … Read more Dog Keeps Rubbing Eye With Paw – Causes

Dog’s Nail Fell Off But There Is No Blood? Here’s Why!

Dog Nail Fell Off, but there is No Blood

Luckily, when your dog’s nail fell off, but there is no blood, there’s mostly nothing to worry about. In fact, during his lifetime, he will lose a nail or two because of trauma to the nail. Infections, cutting the nails too close to the nail bed, and a compromised immune system can also cause nail loss. … Read more Dog’s Nail Fell Off But There Is No Blood? Here’s Why!

Should I Quarantine My Dog With Worms?

Should I Quarantine My Dog With Worms

Should I quarantine my dog with worms? When you think of worms, there is a lot of negativity attached to the word. Dog worms are a common infection that can occur in dogs. Depending on the type of parasite, they can be transmitted to other pets if proper hygiene isn’t practiced. We all want our … Read more Should I Quarantine My Dog With Worms?