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Do you have a pet that always clings to you? Does your dog wake up when you move?
Or, does moving to the restroom or brushing your teeth make your little friend anxious?
Some owners may term this behavior of dogs as fun.
Simply put, they like such a response from their pets.
However, other pet owners may consider it bothersome.
Yeah, such a response can be troublesome, particularly if you’re sick of nearly tripping over or around your dog.
This post discusses the behavior of dogs waking up when their owners move.
Read on to learn all the reasons a dog gets up when its owners move.
Besides, you’ll also learn what to do or how to train your pet against the behavior.
The Primary Reasons For Your Dog Waking Up When You Move
Dogs are inherently sociable creatures that perceive you as the pack leader.
Thus, it’s only natural for them to desire to wake up when you move about.
Dogs almost always want to be with us. Pets always wish to stay close regardless of what we’re doing.
So, your dog may wake up whenever you move around, either out of pure affection or due to separation anxiety.
Here are other probable explanations of your dog’s behavior to figure out why he won’t leave you alone for one minute.
1. He Needs A Companion
Your dog may be looking for a friend, and ‘that’s one of the reasons he wakes up while you move.
Your dog may wake up when you move about because he prefers your company to other people or dogs in the home.
Thus, he may seek companionship by getting up when one tends to leave his side.
2. The Type Of Breed
All animals, including dogs, sleep. They even sleep a lot — about half the day, depending on the animal’s size and age.
Larger dogs sleep longer, sometimes up to 18 hours per day, whereas older dogs sleep slightly less.
And, while this may appear to be a lot of time spent sleeping, the quality of a dog’s sleep is very different from that of humans.
Some breeds are more likely to wake up when their owners move than others.
Simply, many dog breeds might enjoy waking up upon you shifting.
The point is common in dog breeds like tiny lapdogs like French Bulldogs and Chihuahuas.
Because these small dogs were intended to be companion dogs, they instinctively seek us out.
Herding breeds like German and Australian Shepherds are always faithful to their owners.
Because sports breeds like Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are designed to be fun-loving companion dogs, they’re more likely to wake up when you move.
3. Reinforcement
Your dog may wake up when you move as a result of habit reinforcement.
As previously said, Velcro dogs are often rewarded for their continual attention by human behavior since they identify us with pleasant and happy events.
We reward them by allowing them to sit on the sofa while we touch them.
Other ways you may reinforce the response are excellent rewarding behavior with food or treats and rewarding friendship with exciting activities.
What could be more enjoyable for Fido than hopping in the vehicle and heading out for a walk in the woods? What if your pet feels that you’re a fun provider?
In that case, it’s normal for them to wake up when you move.
He follows you everywhere, hoping you’ll reward or reinforce his behavior.
4. Separation Anxiety
Your dog may refuse to leave your side because of separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is one of the most common psychological causes.
When you leave the pet for any length of time, he gets triggered.
Some dogs might get upset when you go to them at home.
Others seem unhappy when you are getting ready for work or packing your luggage.
Some dogs may even attempt to stop you from leaving.
After being left alone for a short period, dogs with separation anxiety may begin barking, pacing, or displaying other disturbing behaviors.
Your dog then leaps up and down and behaves as if he hasn’t seen you in years when you get home.
It may frequently wake up to see if you are still nearby if they suffer from separation anxiety.
Stress and depression, among other psychological issues, can interfere with sleep.
What To Do To Prevent Your Dog From Getting Up After Moving?
Imagine having too much to drink and can’t shower or lying on the sofa without your dog wanting attention.
He always wakes up when you move, right?
If so, apply these techniques to help your dog separate from you and gain confidence.
Tips For Training A Dog To Be More Independent And Leave Your Side
If your dog wakes up when you move and refuses to connect with other people, it might be an indication that they are anxious.
Also to help your dog get a better night’s sleep, turn off the TV earlier, get rid of stimulating toys, or even think about installing room-darkening shades.
You can try covering the crate your dog is in with a blanket to help block out external stimuli when it is inside the crate.
Make sure to purchase a suitable bed for your dog if you want them to sleep as comfortably as possible.
Even something as simple as an uncomfortable bed could be the reason they wake up early!
If you, the light of their lives, are not there, they may weep or pace.
Here are other ways to help a nervous dog learn not to be with you all of the time.
Avoid Adoring Your Dog
It’s OK if you don’t always chat with your dog or offer him plenty of attention and cuddles.
By promoting autonomous hobbies such as chewing toys or canine puzzles, you may train your dog to keep himself occupied while you’re at home.
This way, while you’re gone, your dog may learn to engage himself with these activities.
Allow Your Dog To Socialize With Others
Demonstrate to your dog that other people are as lovely as you.
It’s an excellent way to help them separate from you.
Allow another person to feed, play with, teach, or walk your dog through, helping it connect with the other people in your life.
You may still invite people over to play with your dog if you live alone.
Avoid Rewarding Destructive Or Whiny Behaviors
To get your attention, anxious dogs may do everything from whimpering to urinating inappropriately in the home.
One method to fix this is to not reward your dog for needy behaviors.
Don’t console him if you go out of the room and your dog begins to weep.
It will reinforce Attention-seeking behaviors if wrong acts are rewarded.
Establish Some Limits
Velcro dogs need to watch you at all times, so it’s crucial to teach them that the world won’t end if they lose sight of you.
Establishing boundaries is one way to do so.
Shutting the door when you go to the restroom or another room and returning within a few minutes is an example.
A dog will learn that just because they can’t see you doesn’t mean you’ve abandoned them.
He won’t be following you always when you move.
Help Your Dog – Train Him To Stay Alone
If you have a “Velcro dog,” you may know what retrieving your briefcase or jingling your vehicle keys entails, which might be stressful.
Desensitizing your dog to these behaviors might make leaving the house less unpleasant for you and your dog.
You may help your dog relax by not making leaving a big deal and repeating the routines often even while you aren’t going.
For example, grab your vehicle keys, put on your coat, and take your briefcase multiple times a day without leaving.
Eventually, your dog will learn to associate these chores with your departure.
Final Thoughts
A dog’s need for companionship, orders, and signals is beneficial.
However, an inability to cease waking up when you move may be harmful and bothersome.
It is particularly alarming if the dog only interacts with one person and is afraid of or avoids all others.
In these situations, the dog may have been inappropriately socialized or become overly attached to a single human.
These dogs may develop social or separation anxiety, fear aggression, or other behavioral problems.
‘That’s why you need to stop the issue from spiraling out of control.

A passionate content creator on pet behavior, nutrition choices, and health, Mike is an experienced pet expert. He has been writing on multiple websites to compensate for his passion for cats. Mike grieves around plenty of pets in his parents’ house. At the start of his career, he had a sturdy intention to be a part of pet care by any means.
With his affiliation to Purrfect n’ Pawesome, he found a way to satiate his craving to participate in pet health, wellness, and behavior analysis. He has been a significant part of our team and a major contributor in equipping our site with useful, authentic, and research-backed articles.
“I love pets as much as I love to travel to explore multiple places and lifestyles. I have been attached to this pawsome platform for many years, and my experience regarding pets has enhanced significantly by using various devices to write articles. I believe in writing my thoughts and experiences, so I try to write down the experience and learnings for my readers no matter where I am and what my mood is.”