Why Does My Cat Bite Me While I Sleep? (And How To Stop It)

Why Does My Cat Bite Me While I Sleep

Cats are adorable and are good cuddle buddies in bed. Most cat parents like to snuggle their cats before they sleep, and the cats love it too. Their cute purr gives out the pleasure they experience whenever they scratch their backs while in bed. Snuggling is nice and cozy for everyone until you are fast … Read more Why Does My Cat Bite Me While I Sleep? (And How To Stop It)

Why Is My Cat Kneading My Face? – 6 Common Reasons

Why is My Cat Kneading My Face

Cats are intelligent pets, as they can recognize and react to our emotions. A cat may stay around if it recognizes that its owner is sad and vice-versa. Besides, cats may also show affection in various ways, and they expect their owners to react, too. Cats may show affection by grooming, purring, rubbing, blinking at … Read more Why Is My Cat Kneading My Face? – 6 Common Reasons