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We may not see anything when a cat keeps gazing around the room or looks at the wall, but they are seeing, smelling, or feeling something.
It may appear like a cat sees things, and many people believe that cats can see ghosts, otherworldly spirits, or sense spiritual energy.
There are many reasons why a cat may be acting like it sees something.
Let’s examine them below.
The Different Ways Your Cat May Be Acting Like It Sees Something
1. Looking at Something That isn’t Visible
A frequently cited “superpower” of our pup and furry friends is their capacity to see UV light.
Cats have enhanced sensitivity to even the smallest brightness variations due to their ultraviolet vision.
The retinas of cats are much more resistant to UV deterioration, and they also make it easier for UV light to penetrate the lens.
They may be sitting quite motionless, but their eyes are racing around the room, or they could get up and pursue something with their noses.
2. Meowing or Hissing
Cats may start meowing or hissing at something which cannot be heard or seen.
It may especially happen late at night or during the evening.
Cats are not strictly nocturnal, contrary to popular belief.
They are crepuscular, though, which means that dawn and dusk are when they are typically the most active.
Because their instincts tell them that nighttime is the best time to hunt, younger cats have a greater propensity to be active during this time.
Your furry friend may have spotted something during the hunt or play that caught his attention.
3. Seeking Comfort or Attempting to Hide
A cat may become agitated for no apparent reason, attempting to hide behind or standing in front of its owner to defend itself.
Some speculate that this is due to the lack of the spirit of friendliness.
Or perhaps your cat is seeking a place to hide that feels both private and safe.
Atop a wardrobe, for example, is a common hiding place for some cats.
They can still keep an eye on what is happening while remaining invisible as a result, which is an added benefit.
Other cats would rather hide out on the ground, as far away from people or other animals as possible, usually in a small, enclosed area that is dark.
4. Pretending to be Preoccupied
It may appear as if there is another person in the room or someone else is vying for their attention.
It’s certainly selective hearing most of the time, but if they normally drop everything when called their name, this might be out of character and indicate that they’re being distracted by something.
5. Showing Affection
A cat may have rolled onto its back as if receiving a belly rub from an unseen person, or it may be pawing at nothing.
They may wag their tails for no apparent reason as if someone they recognize has entered the room.
Staring can be a nonverbal communication technique used by cats.
An unwavering stare may not be the best way to express affection, but when your pet does it, it could be a sign that they are showing its love for its favored owner.
Reasons Your Cat is Acting Like It Sees Something
Is There Something on the Other Side of the Wall?
Cats have far superior hearing than humans.
It can lead to their picking up on things we don’t, such as infestations.
Squirrels, termites, wasps, and various other creatures frequently move in with us without our knowledge, but they can’t get past our vigilant cats.
Sit down close to the cat and silently listen if she is looking at a wall.
Check to see whether the cat tilts the head from time to time, as if she’s listening to something, and then push an ear against the wall to hear anything.
Call an exterminator if you believe there is something there.
What Time of The Day Is It?
Cats are often more hyperactive at night than during the day.
If a cat acts like it sees something late at night, the chances are high that it is just hyper and looking for ways to keep itself entertained.
When a cat is feeling sleepy or awakened, it stares at things.
How is the Lighting in the Room?
The reflection of lights on a wall or light coming from another room may distract the cat.
They may also act like they see something when lights reflect from the mirror or window onto the wall.
These lights may not be apparent initially, but a quick examination would confirm whether they cause the cats’ frantic stares.
Are There Noises Coming In The Room?
A cat may also act like it sees something when noises are coming into the room.
These noises may come from above, outside the house, or from internal features like pipes, drains, or electric wiring.
These noises may not catch our attention, but they definitely appeal to cats, and it may appear like the cat is staring at nothing.
Can Ghosts Be A Reason?
The Internet offers many reasons for cat behaviors that aren’t always based on facts.
A fast search for why cats look like they see something turns up a lot of paranormal activity conjecture, which is fed by some famous horror movies or stories.
However, the answer to whether cats can see ghosts is “no” from a scientific standpoint.
Many people feel that animals are more susceptible to supernatural phenomena, but be cautious when it comes to cats.
Because ghosts are unlikely to cause a cat’s new behavior, and it is likely to be any of the other reasons mentioned here.
Does Your Cat Seem Sick?
Infestations and ghosts aren’t the only causes of cats gazing at walls.
There are several conditions that are considerably more likely, some of which may be life-threatening.
Unusual habits might be a sign that a cat is suffering from a neurological problem.
Because cats cannot express what they perceive or feel with words, diagnosing these illnesses can be complex.
What To Do If a Cat is Frantically Looking Around?
Depending on the circumstances, a cat may be in a stressful or unpleasant environment that you can assist them with, or they may have a neurological illness that requires professional treatment.
Cats become accustomed to their surroundings and dislike change. Therefore a minor shift in what they consider a secure setting causes them to panic. Consider the following if a cat is suddenly paranoid:
- Has something been purchased (item, piece of furniture, etc.) that makes a cat uneasy?
- Has a new pet come into the house?
- Has anything in the cat’s daily routine altered significantly?
- Is it possible that someone has left the house?
- Has the cat been relocated to a new location?
- Is there a new person in the household?
Significant changes impact a cat just like humans.
Although cats are far more discerning and frequently do not understand why some things have changed.
It might cause them a great deal of anxiety.
The most common remedy to this problem is to eliminate the source of a cat’s stress in the first place.
It isn’t always doable, though. Alternatively, try to adjust a cat to the new setting or wait until they are used to it.
If a cat appears to be suffering significantly due to the new circumstances, speak with a veterinarian to determine if any medications might assist the cat get through this phase.
Steps to Take
Sometimes, all it takes is a slight diversion to distract a cat from looking at something.
Come up with a plan to jolt it out of its phases, such as giving them food or toys.
Consult a veterinarian and devise a balanced food and activity regimen for the cat to keep them busy and healthy since this is sometimes required to halt odd behavior.
If everything else fails, a cat will most likely be drugged, and a technique has to be found to make a cat comfortable taking the pills, as this will most likely be a long-term therapy.
Even in this instance, making up games is an excellent way to convert “medication time” into something rewarding for the cat.
Cats are mysterious creatures; they often display behaviors that do not make sense to humans.
If a cat is acting like it sees something, the chances are highly likely that it is just a peculiar cat habit.
Contact your vet if you feel like a cat does it often, or if there may be an underlying cause.

A passionate content creator on pet behavior, nutrition choices, and health, Mike is an experienced pet expert. He has been writing on multiple websites to compensate for his passion for cats. Mike grieves around plenty of pets in his parents’ house. At the start of his career, he had a sturdy intention to be a part of pet care by any means.
With his affiliation to Purrfect n’ Pawesome, he found a way to satiate his craving to participate in pet health, wellness, and behavior analysis. He has been a significant part of our team and a major contributor in equipping our site with useful, authentic, and research-backed articles.
“I love pets as much as I love to travel to explore multiple places and lifestyles. I have been attached to this pawsome platform for many years, and my experience regarding pets has enhanced significantly by using various devices to write articles. I believe in writing my thoughts and experiences, so I try to write down the experience and learnings for my readers no matter where I am and what my mood is.”