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We’ve all seen our dogs sitting on the floor whining, pacing, and cocking their heads to one side as they watch the door.
But why is your dog whining and pacing like that? It’s undoubtedly his way of communicating something to us, but what?
Today, we’ll look into all possible causes of this behavior.
8 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Whining And Pacing
1. He’s Got Age-Related Arthritis And Joint Pain
Many dog owners watch their beloved pets become older and less mobile as joint problems set in.
Why is my dog whining and pacing with his joint pain?
The pain associated with joint problems can be debilitating for your aging 4-legged friend.
It can be heartbreaking seeing him trying to lie down and get up again while he is in pain.
These days he is constantly whining and whimpering, and he even lets out a yelp once in a while.
It’s time to get your old friend to the vet.
Many modern-day, holistically-minded vets are treating pets with joint pain and arthritis with natural treatments.
They will work out some low-impact exercise for your pet and, apart from some painkillers, will suggest foods that should be included in his diet.
2. Urinary Tract Infection
Why is my dog whining and pacing and battling to urinate?
There are several illnesses that can cause pain, yawning, and whining with a pet.
None can be more debilitating than a urinary tract infection.
Excessive panting is a symptom of discomfort and pain with your dog.
A bladder infection in your dog can cause endless whining, pacing, and misery.
If there is anything that causes restlessness, misery, and a reason to whine, it’s a bladder infection.
Your dog will want to urinate frequently, worse is when you can see your dog straining to wee, but nothing comes out.
Symptoms of a UTI in dogs can be dribbling and frequent urination.
There will also be blood in the urine, restlessness, and whining from pain and discomfort.
This is something not to play around with, and you need to get your dog to the vet immediately.
The vet may prescribe anti-inflammatories, painkillers, and antibiotics for your distressed pet.
3. He’s A Bundle Of Nerves
Dogs are often afraid of loud noises such as fireworks and thunder because they don’t know what the noise is.
Why is my dog whining and pacing?
He will be with so much noise as he can’t understand where it is all coming from. He is jittery.
Of course, dogs pick up habits from us humans.
If we react to thunder and fireworks by squealing and being dramatic, our pets quickly learn our behavior.
They learn that there is something ‘frightening’ about these particular loud noises.
Dogs quickly learn that with a thunderstorm, there are other ‘frightening’ things.
These are howling winds, doors banging closed, and hail. There will also be lightning.
Dogs can sense their human owner’s response to a thunderstorm.
They require calmness because a restless, frantic human can cause them to become petrified.
A dog can pant and drool and pace.
He’ll curl up in his bed for a minute and then be up again, whining, panting, whimpering, and anxious.
4. Wrong Diet And Gas
Just like small kids cry and writhe with stomach pain after a birthday party feast, so dogs can as well.
Excessive flatulence in dogs is a sign that all is not well with the dog’s digestive system.
Excessive flatulence is more common in overweight dogs but can affect any dog.
Abdominal discomfort can cause your dog to whine, whimper, and pace.
You can actually hear the grunts and groans from the digestive system.
Spicy foods, a sudden change in diet, and food allergies can all cause a build-up of gas in your dog.
You have to be on your guard for bloat too.
Gastric dilatation and volvulus can be fatal to a dog in just a few hours. It is more common in deep-chested dog breeds.
5. Your Female Dog Is In Heat
Why is my dog whining and panting and ignoring me flat? If you own both male and female dogs and the female is in heat, you can expect a lot of whining and pacing from both.
A male dog can become frenzied to get to the female, and it’s as if he no longer knows you.
You’re like a stranger to him at this time.
He will be whining and pacing and only have one thing on his mind – the female.
She will also be whining and pacing, and you may also find that she becomes like a different dog.
Of course, this is just typical canine behavior, but you may decide to have your dogs neutered and spayed after this.
They just become too unmanageable at this time and turn into dogs you scarcely know.
6. Cognitive Decline And Anxiety
There are so many things that can cause a dog to be anxious.
An old dog, just like humans, can suffer from cognitive decline.
An old dog can become confused and anxious and battle with sleep disturbances.
This cognitive decline can lead to pacing at night, repetitive behavior that is common with cognitive issues.
It is so sad and is likened to dementia in people.
Your poor dog sleeps most of the day and paces and pants most of the night.
When dogs are anxious and scared, their tails are tucked between their legs, and they tremble.
It could even be that from puppyhood; he’s been tormented and abused.
They seem to want to retreat under tables and into corners. There they tremble, whine, and pant.
Other nervous behaviors like pacing, circling and licking frequently go along with anxious whining.
Pacing back and forth is a sign that a dog is unable to relax because something is bothering them.
It might not be a big deal if this only occurs occasionally or during mealtimes.
Observing when your dog exhibits this behavior, however, can help you identify the source of their anxiety.
If they’re trapped indoors and are terrified of their human owner, they may even urinate or empty their bowels indoors.
Sometimes it can be obvious what is causing their pacing, whining, and whimpering, but in other cases, it’s not.
Rescue or shelter dogs often show these signs of anxiety.
7. He’s Bored
Lack of physical and mental exercise and stimulation can drive your dog to whine and pace.
He’s like a caged leopard or tiger, pacing up and down from sheer frustration and boredom. He just longs to be free.
Dogs are intelligent, social animals, and some breeds are known to be particularly intelligent.
Dogs such as Border Collies and German Shepherds are active, intelligent breeds.
They need stimulation as some dogs like these are working breeds.
A sedentary lifestyle can cause nothing but anxiety, excessive whining, and pacing.
It’s cruel to buy a dog and then fail to provide it with an exciting lifestyle.
8. He Wants Your Attention
Why is my dog whining and pacing and seemingly bored?
Sometimes dogs will pace when something upsets them.
Maybe he feels upset because you’re not giving him your attention.
Whining is just one of the ways your canine friend communicates with you.
Dogs commonly whine when they’re seeking attention.
Your dog may use this whining behavior to get your attention/ You may have a job getting him out of this habit.
Somehow you have to teach him that he’ll get a reward for when he’s not whining.
He needs to understand that keeping quiet can work well also to get your attention. It can be difficult to change his habits.
That’s why many people get hold of a professional dog trainer who has the skills to reduce your pet’s whining with attention-seeking.
Why Is My Dog Whining And Pacing? – Conclusion
Just like humans, dogs can develop habits that can be irritating but also worrying.
Some of the behaviors our dogs develop can be complex and have various forms.
Whining and pacing can be frustrating both for the pet and the owner.
Discover the reason. It is also essential to communicate with your vet to try and find the best solution for your pet.
Dog’s whining and pacing are something that can be cured but only with a compliant owner.
A dog owner believes in doing everything possible to ensure a good quality of life for man’s best friend.

Lucy is a real-time contributor to Purrfect n’ Pawesome, along with being a freelance writer to various pet forums and platforms. She started writing professionally in the year 2016. Earlier, she enjoyed her community life as a pet rescue volunteer and offered boarding services to pet owners. Her extensive experience in the pet field is now the basis for her writing at this site.
She loves to collect animal facts from around the globe and then transform them into amazing stories for her readers. For Lucy, the mission is to bring pet love to every home and equip the pet parents with the required useful and authentic information to nurture their pet accordingly.
She lives with her two cats and a shepherd mix, whom she loves the most. Despite her extremely busy life, she spends some time with wildlife and outer space to relax her mind and enhance her observation.
Purrfect n’ Pawesome is a platform that believes in providing our pets with the right kind of nurturing, care and upbringing to assist them in leading a healthy life. Go to our blog section and read out some pawesome and informative articles to ease your parenthood.