How To Calm A Ferret Down? – Guide

Ferrets are one of the most spirited, hyperactive, and full of spunk animals to have as a pet, and you may start to wonder how to calm a ferret down.

They can either prove to be delightful jesters, a source of light in your lives, or straight-up devil spawn that have the potential to wreak havoc in your quiet, peaceful abode if there isn’t a system in place.

Contrary to popular opinion, these fur babies are high maintenance and require utmost care and attention to adjust and act as healthy pets.

However, their jolly nature and innate ability to forge lasting connections with human beings make them lovable and adorable.

How to Calm a Ferret down

Their forever curious eyes, striped furry tails, and characteristic ‘dooking’ when they are happy are worth every effort and time one has to invest in understanding and raising these vivacious creatures in a domestic setting.

Once you get the hang of it, these small mammals will become a cherished, defining part of your life.

With their high-strung energy and cute antics comes uncontrollable aggression and fidgeting.

They are restless critters who never want to slow down unless it’s sleep time.

Ferrets usually sleep 14-18 hours a day. But when awake, they are like a toddler on a sugar rush.

They tend to explore every nook and corner of your house and sometimes get stuck while playing.

Thus, they are vulnerable to accidents that may lead to injuries or unwanted damage to your belongings.

They slow down a bit when they are old, but there’s no guaranteed way to change the feisty nature of a young ferret.

However, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to tone down their erratic behavior.

Below we have listed the six most effective ways to help you calm your ferret down.

1. Communicate With Your Furbaby

To establish a good relationship with your ferret, you need to interact with it in a way they understand.

Talk to them and train them like you would train a puppy.

Your interaction should be calm and reaffirming; using a soft tone helps.

Come up with a signal to show disapproval when they are doing something inappropriate.

Restrict their mobility by locking them in their carrier or cage for a while as a punishment.

You could introduce games or gimmicks to help them productively expend energy.

You could cater to their instincts, like chasing and climbing, by building them a play area inside or outside the house.

When you achieve this, it’s easier to cool them down when they are overly excited.

Avoid being excessively angry or talking in harsh tones, as they can quickly feel threatened and afraid.

2. Petting And Belly Rubbing

When you have a good rapport with your pet ferret, it is much easier to handle its peak aggression.

Hold your ferret close to your chest and stroke its back simultaneously to calm its nerves.

Show affection by giving belly rubs and soft scratches.

Walk around the house while holding them and play relaxing music (YouTube has playlists designed explicitly for ferrets, yikes).

3. Scruffing

Sometimes ferrets might cross a line and need to be manhandled.

Scruff them by the neck and tell them a loud and clear “NO” when they do something terrible.

This is to assert a sense of dominance and let them know that you are the parent.

You could also shake them a bit or bounce them as one does with a human baby.

This distracts them from the desire to nip or bite you.

However, never hit or scold them harshly, for they can get easily pissed off and try to bite.

4. Give Them Toys To Chew On

Buy your ferret some cute little toys if you don’t want your belongings to be chewed.

Chewing and gnawing on these toys calms them down and focuses all their attention on the toy.

Make sure that whatever your ferret likes to chew on doesn’t have a choking hazard or easily tears apart and gets stuck in its teeth or claws.

Avoid toys made of latex.

Replace the toys regularly to keep them hooked. You could hit a local pet store for toys specially designed for ferrets or search for them online.

5. Find Out What Is Annoying Them

Sometimes ferrets are not being jittery for fun and may have a genuine reason to be angry.

Find out what is bothering your fuzzy ferret and address the cause.

It could be a fellow pet or a food/water/litter-related problem.

They could be sick or have an underlying genetic problem.

If the uncharacteristic jittering persists, consult your vet.

6. Take Your Fuzzy Ferret For A Walk

Walks are a great way to distract your ferret and have their excessive energy spent on something productive and non-threatening.

Get a cute leash and get your ferret accustomed to it at a younger age.

Ferrets are pretty social and are not used to being stuck in their homes all day.

Thus, a walk in the park dramatically benefits their physical and mental health.


In a nutshell, these six tips might be highly effective or not work at all for some people, as each person’s experience with a ferret may vary.

Pet ferrets might not be a common sight, but it is said that they were domesticated about 2500 years ago.

They might have a tinge of notoriety to their reputation, but they are also quite popular.

While getting a pet ferret, you must factor in your lifestyle, home environment, and willingness to understand and make room for their often fitful, stirring demeanor.

The best way to go about it is to adopt them while they are young so they can grow up under your loving care and be so fond of you that they adjust themselves according to your lifestyle.