Dog Stung By Wasp In Mouth (Symptoms And What To Do)

Has your dog been stung by a wasp in its mouth?

Dogs are snoopy fellows, and they would sniff anything new they see.

This includes wasps – buzzing, stinging insects constantly after sweetness, sweet foods, and smell.

So, there is no surprise that a dog may get stung by a wasp!

Dog Stung By Wasp in Mouth

A sting in a dog’s mouth could be very consequential, especially if you don’t respond appropriately.

Nevertheless, most sting cases can be easily cared for at home, but some can be severe.

Multiple stings on the tongue or throat may also result in allergic reactions.

Symptoms When Your Dog Is Stung By Wasp In The Mouth?

Here are the significant reactions you are likely to see if your dog is stung by a wasp in its mouth:

  • Pawing at the face or mouth
  • Inflammation
  • Lumpy looking skin
  • Whining
  • Distress
  • Drooling

Stings Inside The Mouth

Stings in the mouth or throat usually occur due to the dog trying to eat a wasp.

And stings to these internal areas could cause inflammation in the throat and block air passages.

This swelling, in turn, makes breathing difficult for your dog.

Urgent visitation or a call to your veterinarian is essential, as this blockage could suffocate the dog.

Can Your Dogs Be Allergic To Wasp Stings?

Like humans, dogs react differently to stings depending on their genetics.

This genetic composition allows an individual dog with their level of sensitivity.

These allergic reactions could appear at different times in dogs, from minutes to hours after the sting.

In exceptional cases, reactions might not be noticeable until the next day.

Possible allergic reactions include:

  • Diarrhea and weakness
  • Extreme inflammation around the area (could have bulging eyeballs)
  • Inflammation around the mouth and neck (even if the sting was to a different area)
  • Total body collapse
  • Disorientation
  • Breathing problems

Should you see any of these signs, seek help from a vet.

What Else Can Happen To Your Dog When Stung By A Wasp?

In rare cases of several stings, your dog could develop immune-mediated secondary hemolytic anemia.

This condition is related to a drop or malfunction in the red blood cell count.

Dogs with a severe case of this condition might require a blood transfusion.

Can a Wasp Sting Cause Anaphylactic Shock on Dogs?

Anaphylactic shock results from a severe allergic reaction and could be life-threatening.

Like humans, your dog may also experience anaphylactic shock, which may occur within ten minutes or be delayed for hours.

To keep your dog from reaching the worst scenario, it’s best to bring it to the nearest vet for proper medical attention.

How To Identify if the Wasp Sting Is Serious

When your dog is stung by a wasp in the mouth, and there is severe swelling around its head and neck, you’ll know it’s serious.

It may even compromise your dog’s respiration.

If your dog sustains swelling in its respiratory passages, it may begin wheezing and find difficulty breathing.

Swelling in its throat may also make your dog drool excessively, and it may also find it difficult to swallow.

These difficulties can lead your dog to experience anxiety and make matters worse.

After the incident, you may also observe your dog becoming dizzy and disoriented.

Watch for these signs to provide an appropriate medical response.

When Should You Talk To A Vet?

A veterinarian is required immediately if you notice any of the following:

  • Your dog is exhibiting allergic reactions.
  • The dog was stung on the tongue and throat.
  • Your dog was stung several times.
  • The inflammation does not reduce after a day.

Dog Stung By Wasp in Mouth What To Do

Steps To Take To Help Your Dog Stung By The Wasp

If the wasp sting on your dog is mild and not in a delicate area like the tongue, you can care for your dog at home.

Either way, take the following steps to prepare your dog for the vet.

1. Remove The Sting

Usually, wasps don’t leave a sting.

This information is essential if you confuse a bee sting with a wasp sting.

Nevertheless, bees have stings that contain venom that may be stuck inside your dog’s mouth, so always check for a sting first.

When you find one, take it out carefully by scraping it off the stung area, using your long fingernail or a plastic card from below the venom pod.

Resist the urge to squeeze or pull it out, as you would likely spread more poison.

2. Clean The Sting Area

Carefully clean the sting area with cool water.

This way, the site can be free from infections and reduce further problems.

This area is likely painful, so ensure you don’t rub hard or scrub.

3. Soothe The Pain And Reduce Swelling

Apply ice cubes gently against the affected area.

If ice cubes cannot be easily reached, put cold water on the spot.

Repeat this process a few times.

4. Can You Administer Antihistamines?

Not recommendable!

Instead, contact a vet before administering drugs to your canine friend, especially in a delicate time like now.

The wrong medication or dose for the size and weight of your dog could critically worsen its condition.

Only administer antihistamines when a vet prescribes them to ensure you use the right type and dose.

5. Keep Calm

At this point, the dog will likely be restless and hurt.

Try to remain calm and show maximum love and positive attention to help your dog.

6. Ensure Hydration And Eating

Dogs stung in the mouth by a wasp might find eating challenging, so try feeding them moist food.

Perhaps, you can also consider canned food to replace dry food softened with water which could upset the stomach.

Also, give the dog enough fresh water to drink.

7. Keep An Eye On Your Dog

Keep a close watch on your dog even if it doesn’t show signs of allergic reactions.

These reactions could be delayed, so carefully watch your dog for 72 hours to ensure its safety.

If your dog indicates an allergic response after 24 hours, contact the vet immediately, as the case may be severe.

How Do Vets Treat A Wasp Sting?

Time is crucial if your dog has suffered anaphylaxis (a chemical rush in the body due to a severe allergic reaction).

The vet will reduce the response; sometimes, epinephrine is administered.

Epinephrine helps to improve heart rate, cardiac operations, and blood pressure.

Above all, the dog could require oxygen and be administered a drip to hydrate the body.

Dogs with severe allergic reactions from stings should be monitored closely for a few days to ensure stability.

A second anaphylaxis reaction may appear within 10 to 72 hours of the initial attack.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Wasp Attacks?

Wasps get very aggressive when threatened and would summon the rest of the soldiers if there is an imminent threat.

They usually pursue their threat over long distances and will swarm the threat.

So it is generally imperative to avoid them altogether.

However, the curiosity in dogs would not allow them to let go or look the other way.

To help your dog’s interest, here are practical things to do to prevent a wasp invasion or sting altogether:

  • Call for a pest or wasp professional control service when you notice a wasp nest nearby.
  • Avoid fragrances, perfumes, or shampoos with strong sweet smells on your dog.
  • Cover or remove leftovers of your dog food if it feeds outdoors.
  • Ensure that the area is clean from sweet foods and drinks at all times.


Wasp, like most animals, will only attack when they feel threatened or agitated by something.

Furthermore, wasps don’t die after they sting and usually attack in a group, so multiple stings are possible.

Aside from wasp and bee stings, other insects may bite your dog, which includes ticks, ants, mosquitos, flies, and fleas.

Although they are not harmless, they are not as severe as the wasp or bee sting.

If you are unsure what bit or stung your dog, keep a close watch to notice strange signs to report to a vet.

Good luck!

Remember that wasp stings to the mouth may become fatal if not addressed appropriately.