Dog Walking With Head Down – Behavior Explained

There may be several reasons why some dogs walk with their head down, including feeling ignored, vulnerable, and upset.

Your dog may not also be feeling well because of an infection or disease.

They could be in a state of depression, anxiety, or fear.

Why is my dog walking with head down

Knowing why your dog is walking with its head down can help you support the dog and lift its spirits.

The article can help efficiently determine the dogs’ behavioral patterns and state of mind.

Why Is It a Problem?

It becomes a problem, especially when your dog does not always walk with its head down.

Therefore, it is essential to comprehend your dog’s behavior, attitude, and emotions skillfully.

Dogs communicate feelings through their body language, so a dog walking with its head down can be displayed in numerous ways.

Dog Shaking While Walking With Head Down

Head shaking among dogs is normal when they do it sparingly.

The dogs can shake their heads to relieve them from discomposure, tingling, or irritation.

It is also their way to clean their ear canal, remove dirt, or flick away insects.

However, constant head shaking could be considered a problem from which dogs suffer, a symptom of an underlying medical issue.

It can have red and swollen ears, ear mites, ear injury, allergy, or growth in the ear.

There is a possibility of dangerous health problems too.

If the issue remains undetected, it can become a hazard for your dog, so take it to the vet immediately.

Dog Panting While Walking With Head Down

Dogs pant when they are warm, enthusiastic, or worried.

They may also pant due to stress, as they experience simultaneous tension or pressure.

On the other hand, calm dogs pant in a soundless manner even when dogs usually walk with heavier breathing.

Panting could be described in various ways.

But if your dog is panting too much, you must pay close attention because it could mean a chronic illness.

Long-lasting or frequent panting signals severe health complications that may require you to bring your dog to the vet immediately.

Dog Back Arched While Walking With Head Down

When your dog is arching its back, it probably is simply doing some stretching.

However, when back arching seems to be their posture, it may become problematic for your dog.

The dog probably takes on such a posture to relieve its pain.

And when your dog walks with its head down and back arched, something must be going on.

Dogs in such a posture may suffer from nausea, gastric issue, and spinal trauma, and all of these are life-threatening.

It is necessary to make an appointment with the vet immediately because proper treatment can keep them from becoming worse.

Dog Tail Between Its Legs While Walking With Head Down

Dogs put tails between their legs when they are terrified or unhappy.

Other times, the dog has probably done something extraordinarily wrong.

Dog walking with their heads down and tail between their legs is also a sign of caution.

But some dogs constantly embrace such a posture.

If this happens, taking the dog to the vet is important to know the best way to calm your dog in such a setting.

Dogs also require your devotion, which can give you a healthy and stress-free life.

Dog walking with head down causes

Dog Walking In Circles While Walking With Head Down

Dogs constantly walking in a circle need to be checked instantly because it indicates a problem through which a dog may suffer.

Dogs walking with their heads down and moving in circles constantly require your close evaluation as their owner.

And they walk in circles with their heads down when they have an ear infection, injury, or disorder.

When it’s visible that your dog is suffering, seek professional help.

Dog Tail Down While Walking With Head Down

The dog’s tail could indicate its current emotional level.

For example, dogs with tails down indicate anxiety and a lack of confidence.

Most of the dogs may not suffer from any fearful situation.

Instead, it may have sustained wounds or some mild issues on its tail.

Therefore, you must keep an eye on your dog when it is keeping its tail down.

Dog Ears Down While Walking With Head Down

A dog’s ear movement and position while walking with its head down determine its attention level.

It could also indicate that your dog has negative emotions like sadness and fear.

Because dogs respond to various situations differently, be watchful of your dog’s posture and ear movement.

In case of emergency, like when your dog is acting up beyond the usual, take the dog to the vet.

Here’s What You Need To Know

Keep an eye on your dog’s head position.

When its head is down most of the time, it is a warning that they have an imbalance situation, is stressed or anxious.

Ensure proper medication is offered to the dog to ensure sound health.

Other Causes Why Your Dog Is Walking With Head Down

There can be a blend of reasons why dogs walk with their heads down.

And it is important to determine your dog’s condition before taking it for a walk.

The dogs have their heads down while walking may be due to some injury.

There is also a probability that they suffer a spine injury that needs immediate treatment.

The dogs may also have a brain disease, abnormal tissue growth, nutrient deficiency, metabolic issues, and inflammation.

It can also have nausea, constant falling, and an apparent inability to control its mobility.

The dog walking with its head down can also be attributed to old age, which means that it has become weaker and cannot feel happy and energetic.

It is also observed that old dogs cannot maintain a proper balance.

Vestibular Disease

The vestibular system is responsible for many important bodily functions, including balance.

So if your dog is experiencing vestibular disease, your dog may suffer from head tilts and problems with balance.

If your dog has an acute vestibular system dysfunction, your dog may also experience nausea.

Please consult your vet right away if you see any of these with your dog.


When you have an aged dog, it will inevitably go through the phases of old age.

If you think your dog has dementia, it may suffer from disorientation and getting lost, resulting in generalized anxiety.

When your dog loses its way or appears not to know where it’s going or what it’s supposed to do, it may walk with its head down.

Should You Put Your Dog Down if They Suffer Vestibular Disease or Dementia?

As the owner, it depends on where you stand.

If your dog is not suffering in pain, you may consider giving it a chance to live and enjoy what’s little left of its life.

But if your dog is in pain, you may help alleviate the hurt.

Whatever your decision is, it’s best to consult your vet.

Treatment Of Dog Walking With Head Down

Depending upon the range of issues, dogs need to be hospitalized.

In some cases, surgery is needed.

Dogs with infection can be treated through a prescription.

The eradication of the disease or infection is always possible through a complete check-up by the vet.

The vet can take all the tests highlighting the area of concern.

If it remains unattended, your dog’s health might suffer terribly.

It would also help for you to keep a medical record of your dogs.

At the same time, keep your dogs safe and secure from all the health hazards.

Maintain the Emotional Health of Dogs

Mental health is important because it influences physical health.

It helps in dealing with the factors of stress and depression.

The phenomenon of good mental health is essential at every stage of life.

It is the ultimate source that aids thinking, acting, and dealing with the circumstances.

Dogs walking with their heads down need sound, stable emotional health, and well-being.

In the same way, your vet can be the perfect assistant for discouraged, anxious, or ignored dogs.

Appropriate therapy can help the dog to cope with the problems, too, and with great comfort.

Along with emotional help, keep your dog fit.


Most people are pet lovers.

They can demonstrate their unconditional love and enjoyment to their dogs, the same as how dogs bring joy to them.

To keep your dog from always having its head down, take care of its emotional health with proper attention.

Ensure that your dog can cope with negative triggers too.

Address its fear, pain, or trauma immediately, and consult your vet when you don’t know what to do anymore.