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You may be wondering why cats come to you when you whistle.
To start, cats are unique creatures with very sensitive hearing. They can hear even the slightest vibrations that we humans can’t.
For instance, a cat can hear the slightest peep of a mouse or feel the surroundings with the sensitive hair on its front paws.
So, a slight whistle from you will have a cat’s attention even while it’s sleeping.
The truth is that not all cats love whistling. Hence, they may come running to you (perhaps for different reasons) if they hear you whistling.
Different cats will perceive your whistling differently.
For example, a loud whistle might mean distress, while a tender one may mean time for food or play.
If you’ve noticed that your cat always comes to you when you whistle, several things may be running through your feline friend’s head.
Here are some of the reasons that may cause your furry friend to run to you:
You Have Trained Them
Whenever your cats come to you every time you whistle, it is called a conditioned response (from Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning).
Over time, your feline friend learns and associates your whistle with a corresponding action (like giving them food).
Different cat owners train their feline friends differently. For example, if you’ve trained your cat to have food every time you whistle, they will come running, thinking it’s time to have food.
Some cat owners whistle when they want to give their cat treats or toys.
If that’s the case, your cat will always come to you whenever you whistle.
This is because it understands you have something to give it.
They Are Familiar With The Sound
Some cats will run to you because they are familiar with that sound. If you have a close connection or bond with your cat, it will notice your voice quickly.
So, the moment it hears your whistle, it will come to you.
It is even surprising that cats know the sounds of their owner’s cars.
The cat may also come to you because it thinks you want to bond with them.
If that’s the case, you should have a treat or toy to give it so you can connect with it.
They Are Curious
Cats are curious creatures, and a slight sound will make them interested.
Therefore, your cat will come to you when you start to whistle. They may think you’re in trouble or want to share something with them.
Don’t be surprised if your cat stands there, surprised at what you’re doing.
If you sound funny and playful, they will think you want to play with them.
But if the sound is loud and with some distress, they may believe you are in danger and want to rescue you.
All-in-all, cats are curious, which is one of their instincts that helps them survive.
Therefore, if they hear any strange voice, they will investigate immediately and know if they are safe.
Your cats may also jump on your lap and start cuddling with you.
But if the cat is frightened, it may rip your face to stop you from making a funny sound.
The Sound Is Annoying
Cats have a very acute hearing sense. Their hearing ability is four times that of humans. As a result, a slight sound will get their attention.
If they hear your whistle, they will come right away.
However, this doesn’t mean that cats are coming to glorify you.
Different cats may feel differently about your whistles.
You may irritate some cats and want you to stop, while others may wonder what’s happening.
If you whistle and your cat meows in your face, this should indicate that she is irritated and wants you to stop.
Several sturdy shows that long-term exposure to 85 dB and short-term exposure to 120 dB can lead to hearing loss in cats.
So, if you’re whistling loudly or at a high-pitched sound and your cat is seated next to you, you may be hurting its ears slowly.
Hunting Sound
Your cat runs to you if you sound like a rodent or something to be hunted.
Before humans domesticated cats, they were hunters.
So, if your whistles sound “squeaky,” they will think it is a rodent and come ready to pound on it. Rats and mice produce high-pitched sounds, which the cat may attach to if your whistle sounds the same.
Cats have outstanding hearing skills, and high-pitched sounds usually remind them of their prey, such as rodents, birds, snakes, lizards, and large insects.
So, when you whistle, you arouse its hunting instincts, and it becomes active in its environment believing there is prey.
Is Whistling To Cats Good Or Bad?
Whistling to your cats is both good and bad.
Whistling is helpful if you train your cat to eat, have treats, play, or even return to the house.
But if you whistle and produce a high-pitched sound, this may confuse your feline friend.
A high-pitched sound may arouse its hunting instinct or hurt its hearing ability.
Besides, whistling with a strange sound may send the wrong signal that you’re in danger while you’re not.
So, make sure to use the whistle in the right way.
If you’ve just got a new cat, use the whistle to train it.
Also, you can use the whistle to have fun with your feline friend.
But if it shows irritation, stop whistling, as the sound may hurt its ears.
Now that you know some of the reasons why your cat comes to you when you whistle, train your cat and get it used to specific whistles.
Don’t confuse your cat with inconsistent cat calls.
Don’t make high-pitched whistles or hoarse ones unless you want to hoodwink your feline friend.
Use whistles to train your cat to come when you want to play; give it food, treats, or even toys.
Wrong whistles may get you in trouble with your furry friend, especially if the noise irritates your cat.
We hope that you’ve found this information to be helpful!

Purrfect n’ Pawesome is the brainchild of Amanda, who has been into researching and writing about pets to help other pet parents in nurturing their adorable pets. Currently, she runs Purrfect n’ Pawesome along with her team of experienced and dedicated pet experts. Along with being an awesome writer and entrepreneur, Amanda is a cat mom to two innocently spoiled cats, Balanca and Scruffy.
She has been writing about pet care and nurturing and wants to share her readers’ experiences, learnings, and knowledge.
Over the years, she had the opportunity to work with various pet owners having multiple breeds, and that exposure gave her experience and the lessons of a lifetime.
Her family, her entire universe revolves around her two cats, who give her endless support and inspiration to move ahead with her objectives in life. Amanda is a live example of a balanced approach to all parenthood questions we all face in life.