Dog Poop Like Jelly With Blood [Causes]

Dog Poop Like Jelly with Blood GÇô Causes and Home Remedies

Dog poop is often affected when your dog goes through some infection or illness. If your dog’s poop looks different than before, it may be a cause for concern. But what if your dog’s poop is like jelly with blood? Surprisingly, it is not that uncommon and may appear due to several reasons. To figure … Read more Dog Poop Like Jelly With Blood [Causes]

Dog Front Leg Shaking When Sitting – Possible Causes

Causes of dog front leg shaking when sitting

As dogs and other animals cannot express themselves, we are more concerned if something unusual occurs in their behavior or physical body. It is not normal for your dog to start to bite, bark, or sleep more than usual. Likewise, if its front leg starts to shake when it sits, you should take it to … Read more Dog Front Leg Shaking When Sitting – Possible Causes