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As you see your cat nibble through the garden’s parsley section, you ask yourself, “has my cat turned vegetarian?”
Well, it is true that at some point in a cat’s life, they munch on some plants to add fiber to their system.
Although sometimes, it’s just to add texture to their mouth, cats sometimes want to spend time tumbling around some greeneries.
Munching on greens often helps your feline friend with digestion, but it may also cause stomach discomfort.
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You would remember one or two people saying that if cats eat some grass or plants, they probably have something that upsets their stomachs.
Eating greens is one of their ways to treat themselves “naturally”.
Cats eat plants; naturally, it’s inborn and should not cause any alarm.
In other words, it’s not weird, and you have nothing to worry about when your cats eat greens.
Cats usually nibble on plants to induce vomiting – to throw fur balls out of their system. They also use grass or other plants as a natural floss.
However, it is alarming for cats to overeat green vegetables, and not all plants are safe for your kitties.
It is best to get a list of safe plants for your cats.
If you are already growing some, get to know which ones are good. Keep away the plants that can have harmful effects on your cats.
We can start by asking – “can cats eat parsley?”
Hang tight for some basic knowledge of how Parsley affects your cat’s health.
Parsley For Cats
Human beings consume Parsley a lot. And I’m pretty sure that you are a parsley lover!
It is commonly added to dishes to bring balance to a savory flavor.
Parsley is a medicinal plant due to its hefty content of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in antioxidants, and it helps the body eliminate toxins.
Parsley also acts as a diuretic, which helps the body eliminate excess water and other free radicals.
Along with other medicinal herbs, Parsley helps digestion and treats kidney ailments and anemia.
Humans undoubtedly have many usages for Parsley, but can cats have the same benefits?
While it is true that Parsley is highly beneficial for humans, the same applies to cats.
There are three benefits the cat can get from Parsley:
It contains anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal effects.
Parsley contains lutein and zeaxanthin; these two antioxidants help prevent age-related macular degeneration issues in both young and old cats.
It also contains loads of vitamin K, and this vitamin is essential for your cat’s bone growth and health.
It prevents urinary tract infections.
Parsley is a natural diuretic that activates the kidneys to produce extra pee in cats which aids in eliminating toxic substances in the cat’s body that could lead to urinary tract infections.
In addition, Parsley flushes out toxins from a cat’s body, the cat’s blood sugar is regular, and all organs function appropriately.
It Promotes good eyesight for cats.
Parsley contains vitamin A. This vital vitamin helps protect the surface of a cat’s eye.
The next time your adorable little kitty is clumsy, give them a bite of Parsley and allow it to perform its eyesight magic.
Parsley Vs. Parsley Water: Which One Is The Best?
Cats are meat-loving animals; they are not vegetarians. Being vegetarian is simply out of a cat’s bucket list.
Too much green consumption by cats, including Parsley, may cause protein deficiency.
Feeding them too much greenery and less meat should also be a concern because you wouldn’t want to jeopardize your cat’s health.
Therefore, in this case, a nibble of Parsley wouldn’t be a problem as long as it is not in excessive amounts.
The best alternative, however, would be to have your cat drink parsley water instead.
Parsley water contains all the nutritional vitamins, like the parsley plant itself. Therefore, it would be a better solution.
Parsley water and some healthy cat food would help prevent your cat from destroying its health.
Parsley Water Recipe
Follow the following simple steps to make your own fresh homemade parsley water for your cat:
- Boil two cups of fresh drinking water
- Pour the boiling water into a clean container
- Add a few parsley leaves and allow the water to cool down
- To remove the parsley leaves, sieve the water
- Store the parsley water in a clean, dry place
Allow your cat to drink two teaspoons of parsley water per day.
It can get confusing when you see a cat supplement with Parsley on its own.
Some resources may indicate that Parsley harms cats, and others may focus on its benefits.
Looking at it in totality, it’s upon you as a cat owner to choose whether giving Parsley to your furry babies is a good idea.
If your cat enjoys Parsley, it might not hurt your little green farm to stop growing them. You can also opt to stock up with dried Parsley to season your dishes if you don’t like seeing your cat consuming it.
Otherwise, keep the fresh Parsley away from your cat’s reach.
To be safer, you might as well want to include other plants in your gardens like catnip, spider plant, or cat grass. These plants are usually available in pet stores.
It is known in the cat community that felines are more attracted to these types of greens.
When other options are present, your cats may eventually forget about Parsley.
Only small amounts of Parsley benefit cats, so keeping Parsley away from your furry babies is better.
Or consider feeding your cat parsley water instead.
Going back to the question, can cats eat Parsley? The answer is simple; cats can eat Parsley, but it is advisable NOT to overfeed cats with Parsley.

Purrfect n’ Pawesome is the brainchild of Amanda, who has been into researching and writing about pets to help other pet parents in nurturing their adorable pets. Currently, she runs Purrfect n’ Pawesome along with her team of experienced and dedicated pet experts. Along with being an awesome writer and entrepreneur, Amanda is a cat mom to two innocently spoiled cats, Balanca and Scruffy.
She has been writing about pet care and nurturing and wants to share her readers’ experiences, learnings, and knowledge.
Over the years, she had the opportunity to work with various pet owners having multiple breeds, and that exposure gave her experience and the lessons of a lifetime.
Her family, her entire universe revolves around her two cats, who give her endless support and inspiration to move ahead with her objectives in life. Amanda is a live example of a balanced approach to all parenthood questions we all face in life.