How Often Should A Cat Poop On Wet Food?

How Often Should a Cat Poop on Wet Food

If your cat poops ten times a day or does not poop, you have a valid reason to be overly worried.

An average human should have a bowel movement almost three times a day, and so should cats. If your cat has not had a bowel movement for three consecutive days, it might be constipated.

If it has bowel movements more than three times a day, it might have diarrhea.

On wet food, your cat should poop more than three times a day because of the moisture contained in this type of food.

There is no cause for alarm if your cat poops as many times because the moisture in this food helps fasten digestion.

As long as the wet food contains the necessary nutrients, there is no need to worry. Wet premium cat food is usually packed with quality ingredients.

Yes, this kind of first-class food will come at a higher cost but let’s face it; reduced trips to the vet offices.

Still, a balance between dry, canned, and wet food can be good for your cat. Moderation is the key to healthy feeding and bowel movement.

Why Is Wet Food Causing My Cat To Poop Often?

Wet food can cause your cat to poop more often and healthily than other cat foods. However, we cannot safely conclude that wet food is solely responsible for your cat’s frequent bowel movements.

Several other factors can make your cat poop more often. Besides that, most cats derive most of their water from wet food or their prey.

1. Better Hydration

As mentioned earlier, cats are not so fond of drinking water directly. This is because they derive most of the water from the wet food they feed on or their prey.

Water is essential for chemical reactions to take place both in human and animal bodies.

Good and healthy bowel movement comes from proper hydration. Wet cat food is the best way to keep your cat hydrated.

2. Promotes Lean Body Mass

Wet food is known to be low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Feeding your cat this kind of food will alleviate healthy bowel movements and improve the cat’s muscle mass.

Cat organs and muscles are the primary sources of metabolic activities like immunity, pooping, and mobility.

Age always comes with a massive loss of muscles, and wet food will help maintain the LBM during aging.

3. Adds More Variety

Eating the same type of food daily can be boring, and variety often is a great relief. Feeding dry food to your cat may create this problem.

Including wet food, however, generates more enthusiasm and satisfaction.

Try to include all delightful flavors and textures in your cats’ diet. Wet food will satisfy that craving for a variety of cats.

See also: Can Cats Get Worms From Wet Cat Food?

What Other Factors Affect How Often Your Cat Poops?

Besides cat food affecting digestion and bowel movement, other factors can contribute to your cat’s pooping frequency.

Health, for instance, is another important factor to consider when observing the pattern of your feline’s pooping.

An unhealthy cat tends to either poop too much (diarrhea) or not poop at all (constipation). As silly as it may sound, cats communicate with us through poop.

Like us humans, active cats tend to have healthy bowel movements compared to lazy ones.

Take the initiative of having your cat play around more often. Create an environment for them to want to play and expend their energy.

Why is wet food causing my cat to Poop often?

But if your cat is old and past its best, there is nothing you can do about it. As your cat ages, it can get either poop less or more.

This is because their digestive system no longer functions the way it used to. If you notice this indicator, there should be no cause for panic.

Is It Okay To Give Cats Wet Food Daily?

Feeding your cat wet food every day ensures your cat receives plenty of fluids, making the cat poop often. This is because wet cat food contains lots of water, which is key to maintaining a healthy feline digestive system.

Cats must receive enough fluids since many bodily functions can be adversely affected by dehydration, contributing to constipation.

Giving your cat wet food ensures that it can survive with a lower energy intake and easily maintain a healthy weight.

Final Words

So, do cats need strictly wet food for healthy pooping? Not necessarily so.

Feeding your cat a combination of available varieties can give your cat a wealth of benefits.

Wet food is highly recommended, but dry foods have exceptional benefits that need to be explored from time to time.

Consult your vet for further recommendations to be on the safe, healthy side.