Do Cats Like It When You Sing To Them? – Fun Facts

Do cats like when you sing to them


Do cats like it when you sing?

Many feline owners get mixed reactions when they sing to their cats.

Some cats purr to show that they are contented or enjoying it, while others meow or even mind their own business.

If your cat likes you singing, you can continue singing for it.

But if it doesn’t, there are several things that you can learn to make the cat like your music or at least pay attention when you sing.

However, it is crucial to understand that not all cats will love your singing.


What You Need To Know Before Singing To Your Feline Friend

If you’ve been struggling to get your cat’s attention while singing your favorite song, here are the things you need to know.


Every Cat Is Unique 

Just like humans, every cat is unique. Some will love your singing, while others won’t.

Before you conclude that your cat loves or hates your singing, try singing for it.

If you’ve more than one cat in the house, you may be surprised that one cat likes your singing and the other doesn’t.

You shouldn’t make a quick conclusion before trying it out.

Some cats love to see their humans sing and will even purr or come close to them. But, at the same time, others will run away or try to stop their human from singing.

This shows that every cat is unique and responds differently to humans’ singing. In some cases, cats will even sing with their masters.

If you have never sung to your cat and want to start singing for it, begin with a low-tone sound.

If the cat enjoys your singing, it will stay. But if it doesn’t, your cat may attempt to stop you or walk away from you.

Try different songs and pitches to see which one your cat likes.


Cats Are Extremely Sensitive To Sound

Have you discovered why your cat loves or doesn’t love your singing?

Cats possess different senses than people.

They have unbelievably exquisitely tuned senses. In short, cats are more sensitive to sound and smell than humans.

So, the music we find soothing to our ears may be irritating to theirs.

As you sing to your cat, consider the tone, pitch, and tempo of the music you’re singing to them.

Your feline may not be against you singing, but the tone and pitch may be too unbearable for them.

Note that cats hear higher frequencies than humans and dogs. For example, humans have a hearing range of 20 hertz up to 20 kilohertz, dogs have a hearing range of 40 kilohertz, and cats have a hearing range of 60 kilohertz.

With this revelation, it is vital to keep your music or tone down so that you don’t bother your furry friend instead of entertaining them.

Keep your voice lower to soothe and not irritate your cat.


Cats Don’t Love The Type Of Music Humans Do

Cats are not only sensitive to smell and sound but as well as to vibrations.

For example, the cat’s whiskers are incredibly sensitive, even to minor vibrations in the air.

Apart from that, they have an exceptionally developed sense of hearing.

For this reason, many cats will not enjoy your singing if it’s loud and disturbing to their ears.

That’s why you must watch the songs you sing to them.

Most humans sing their favorite songs, but not songs that appeal to their feline friends.

And chances are that your furry friend will walk away or ignore you.

Sing your furry friend species-specific music.



Species-specific music is the kind of music that will connect them to their natural communication.

Sing lullabies, hymns, musical tones, or even melodies, and watch how your cat reacts. Always keep the tone and pitch of the songs down.

If you discover that your cat loves lullabies or hymns, that’s what you will be singing for or with them.

Some researchers have discovered that cats may enjoy the songs you sing if they possess the right feline pitch, tone, and tempo.

Such cats may purr, come close to you, and meow as a way of singing to the song.


Engage The Cat In Your Singing

Listening to music offers a sense of contentment and mental stimulation and brings relaxation. Singing your cats the right songs will make them feel relaxed and pleased.

So, instead of singing your favorite Madonna or Adele song, you can sing songs created explicitly for felines.

While doing so, get your feline’s attention by including their name or nickname in the song.

This will get your feline’s attention and have them enjoy the song.

Involving your cat in the singing is vital, as cats differ from dogs.

Cats usually hide their feelings, and getting them involved will help you notice even their tinniest reaction.

And if it’s your first, you must exercise patience before coming up with conclusions.

Sing some of the favorite cat songs such as “Chim Chim Cher-ee,” “Little Bunny Foo Foo,” or “The Hills are Alive.” Include your furry friend’s name in the songs and see how it reacts.


What To Do If My Cat Doesn’t Like My Singing?

If you’ve tried everything we’ve advised above, and your furry friend still doesn’t love your singing, then let it be.

It’s not your fault that your cat is not into singing. You can try other engaging activities with it.


What Songs Do Cats Like?

As said earlier, our cats respond better to “species-appropriate” music than the ones we enjoy.

And as much as we want to sing to our furry feline friends, not all songs we sing benefit them.

From this 2015 research, they like it when the songs you sing are written especially for them.

If you’re thinking about creating your cat music, the same study concluded that “younger and older cats were more responsive to cat music than middle-aged cats.”

So, while on your way to becoming a cat-songwriter, make sure you consider your audience!



Now you learned that most cats love music, but not just any music.

So if you’re going to sing to your cat, you have to choose the right song that caters to its senses.

The song should also be soothing and not very loud, affecting their hearing.

Pick a song that has the right tone, pitch, and tempo.

Moreover, you can fix the cat’s name or nickname in the song’s lines to get its attention.

Finally, not all cats will love your singing.

So, if it responds positively after doing all the right things, good for you, but if it doesn’t, then let your cat be.

All the best as you connect with or stay engaged with your furry friend!